• Hello!
    I was trying to make a small list of upcoming DVD’s using the blogging tool, but I ran into a tiny problem. I would like to add new posts that have the release date of the DVD instead of the date I have posted the message.
    However, the blog does not show these posts with “future dates”. Is there any way around this?
    I would like to change the timestamp show a different date that I have posted the message in -> the release date of the DVD. Thanks in advance!

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  • Actually, you can post to the future. The post won’t show up until that date and time.
    So, yep. Posts with “future dates” will show up.

    Thread Starter Gio


    Ah, yeah, I thought it would be like that, but as I am making a list of upcoming DVD’s, it would be more convenient to see the posts right away and not at the date that they are released. ??
    I was trying to find a way to make a list of these release dates and I thought that I could use a blog as a base for this list, but since it doesn’t show future posts right away, it doesn’t really work..
    I guess there is no way around this, then? So that I could see all the future posts right away? Or then I’ll just have to try and do it in a different way.

    one good way would be changing the server time to the future so that it will appear as “past”

    ok, but it is not my server but the server of my host.
    Any other suggestion?
    At this moment I am “misusing” the chronological archive method of a MT blog for an events-page. It seems that the dynamic blog-tools as WP and TP are not usable for this. Although they allow to set an entry date to the future, they will not publish it today. Why? If I didn’t want to publish an entry I could use the publish status “draft” or “private”. My visitors do like to read about old events, but future events are far more interesting!
    Anyone with a hack maybe?

    Hrm.. the post date should be used for the post date. Why not manually type the release date in the post?

    well.. there’s this date and time option..
    just place tons of 9 in the “Times in the weblog should differ by” box..

    You don’t want to change your server time or the offset to make this happen…those are ugly solutions. I know there was a post about this before, so I’ll try to find it.
    What about the custom meta fields? Could you use those in some way to accomplish what you want?
    I could see a problem with posting too many things in the future….
    If you want to post something today, it will get lost because everything on the front page will be future posts…just a thought.

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