Hi pbravin,
This is probably because there is a differnet location for each of these and the ‘\u25B2’ part is where it gets a little confusing.
The below should work, replacing around line 406 (on version 2.1):
$js .= "
\$RMjQuery( '.appendLink' ).on( 'click', function() {
\$RMjQuery( this ).nextAll( 'ul.sub-menu' ).toggle();
\$RMjQuery( this ).html( \$RMjQuery( this ).html() == '+' ? '-' : '+' );
} );
\$RMjQuery( '.rm-click-disabled' ).on( 'click', function() {
\$RMjQuery( this ).nextAll( 'ul.sub-menu' ).toggle();
\$RMjQuery( this ).siblings( '.appendLink' ).html( \$RMjQuery( this ).siblings( '.appendLink' ).html() == '+' ? '-' : '+' );
} );
That should fix the toggling part, if it doesn’t it may be easier to provide me with your FTP details and I will look at this for you.
Many thanks