I didn’t think about filters (I’m not very familiar with all WP functions and best practices).
For testing, I was using pure code in a new single-{posttype}.php file (which is theme-dependant, and therefore not a good solution : as I say, I’m testing). I found a sample you gave in another thread, and managed to retrieve data using get_uf(‘repeater_id’). I’m then using 2 foreach loops, which is not a big deal.
I’ll try your way tomorrow (I’m tired right now).
To answer your question… the first 2 solutions require either dev skills from user or an unnecessary complexity in the plugin.
The third solution then seems more adapted, even if I’m not completely sure I understand…
When you say : “When creating the field”, you mean within the repeater ? Is it where one would specify the content if empty or before/after post content ? It’s not clear in my mind…
What I think I understand is :
– You add a repeater, you can specify some template code for the cases you cited : no data, before content, after content (for instance <table>
and </table>
– You add a field in this repeater, then you specify some template code for that field in that repeater (for instance <tr><td>
and </td></tr>
If I understand correctly, it’s ok for me : it’s powerful and not hard to understand/use for user.
I still have to understand how/when to use containers and I think this plugin will perfectly fit my needs.
I may create an add_on to add opening hours management (all plugins I’ve found are either poor or not free) : all has to be handled is “Is the sotre currently open ?”, to display relevant information.