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  • Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    If you’ve paid for support please post here: (probably by logging in first)

    Note that continuing to duplicate your thread will result in those threads being deleted or closed.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    I write again 5 times this topic, because I don’t know why BUT SOMEONE IS CLOSING OR DELETING IT WITHOUT SOLVE OR ANSWER. ????

    “This topic has been closed
    Back to WordPress ? Support.”

    @sirkiu? Your many bumps had been caught by the spam queue. That’s it, no one is doing anything except the spam filter.

    PLEASE URGENT!! I writed 5 tickets 10 days ago but not answer!!! And I pay for pro version!!! Fatal

    I am really sorry you are having a hard time of it but you’re posting in the wrong place and the plugin author is not allowed to support his paying customers in these forums.

    Your best bet for support which you’ve apparently paid the author for is to seek support at their site.

    Edit: Andrew beat me to it by 61 seconds. ??

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    @sirkiu Once again: please do not continue to post bumps or new topics for the same problem. Those new posts have been deleted.

    If you are that author’s paying customer then you need to seek support on their site.

    If this plugin is not working out for you then you may need to explore other options.


    seems like i may be able to help. i’ve been journeying through this code trying to make ends meet, practically have rewritten the whole thing to make it work.. maybe i can resell my version of it since the developer has died and dropped off the earth…

    anyway, you should be able to comment out these lines to prevent guest_emails from being shown:

    ` // Guest additions here
    if (is_user_logged_in()) {
    $wpscst_userid = $current_user->ID;
    $wpscst_email = $current_user->user_email;
    $wpscst_username = $current_user->display_name;
    } else {
    $wpscst_userid = 0;
    $wpscst_email = esc_sql($_SESSION[‘wpsct_email’]);
    $wpscst_username = __(‘Guest’, ‘wpsc-support-tickets’) . ‘ (‘ . $wpscst_email . ‘)’; ‘

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    No, commenting out that code should cause errors because later code is looking for those variables. In addition, directly editing the code of a plugin is the wrong way to do things, since it means you either:

    1) recreate your changes each time you update the plugin, or
    2) backport changes to the plugin each time an update is released, or
    3) you leave your modified plugin alone, potentially exposing it to security holes, and ignore all future bug fixes, security patches, and new features.

    None of those 3 options are ideal, so you should cross off directly editing plugins from your list of potential WordPress practices.

    I’ll whip up a new option setting in the next day or so which will allow you to hide the email. In the meantime, the code you want to change is to remove the $wpscst_email variable from $wpscst_username in the code above. Again, I don’t recommend ever directly editing any WordPress plugin or theme. Instead, use action hooks, filters, and your own plugins and child themes so that you can continuously update your site. I can and will add custom action hooks and filters on request, and I am also months into a revamped version 5 of wpsc Support Tickets, so stay tuned.

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    Alright, upgrade to version 4.7.31, then goto wp-admin > Support Tickets > Settings > Guests > Show guest email address in front end list > and set it to false. Click the “Update Settings” button and you should be done. Hope this helped. Either way, please feel free to leave a review. Thanks again!

    Thread Starter sirkiu


    I did It but IT DOESN’T WORK… Upgrade to version 4.7.31, then goto wp-admin > Support Tickets > Settings > Guests > Show guest email address in front end list > and set it to false.

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    Hmm, sorry about that. I believe I’ve addressed the problem in 4.7.33. Give it a shot and let me know either way. Thanks.

    Thread Starter sirkiu


    From my admin panel, plugins, I can’t upgrade to 4.7.33

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    That’s because WordPress only checks once a day or something for upgrades, and you had already checked earlier. You can always manually upgrade in the meantime.

    Thread Starter sirkiu


    There is a problem because in the list of tickets the email is not showed, but is showed all emails when you enter to every ticket. So in every ticket will have to be deleted emails.

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    I’ve added a new option in 4.8.1 (available shortly) which allows you to hide emails on ticket pages as well. The new option is directly below the other option I created for you. Should do the trick.

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