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  • Hey hellomrdavis – how do you revert back to the older version? Seems like that would fix my problem!


    Thread Starter hellomrdavis


    Sorry it took a while to respond. I had an old copy on another website. Just moved it over.

    Thread Starter hellomrdavis


    I really need to get this fixed. Anybody have a clue out there? The backend has four related posts yet more are being posted along with the ones chosen. I am pulling in the posts and then treating it as I would any post so I can customize the output. It worked fine until updating to version 1.8.1. Here is the snippet where I’m pulling in the posts and manipulating the output:

    	$ids_manual = wp_parse_id_list( bawmrp_get_related_posts( $post->ID ) ); 
    	if(count($ids_manual) > 0 && $isAllowedToView)
    <div class="contentSection">
    	<div class="container fixed">
    		<h3><span>Related Stories</span></h3>
    		<?php $ids_manual = wp_parse_id_list( bawmrp_get_related_posts( $post->ID ) ); ?>
    		<ul id="otherArticles" class="clearfix">
    			//echo "Number of related is " . count($ids_manual);
    			foreach($ids_manual as $id)
    				$post = get_post($id);
    				<div class="weeklyImage">
    					<?php $img = get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID, 'story-medium'); echo '<a href="'.get_permalink().'">';
    					if(strlen($img) > 0){ echo substr($img, 0, strlen($img)-2) . ' nopin="nopin"/>';
    					echo '</a>'; } ?>
    				<div class="weeklyDate">
    						$volumes = get_the_terms($post->ID,'volume');
    							foreach($volumes as $volume)
    							$split = explode(' ',$volume->name);
    							if(intval($split[1]) > 0)	$split[1] = convertToString($split[1]);
    							echo $split[0] . ' ' . $split[1];
    							echo date('F j', strtotime($post->post_date));
    					?> / <?php
    						$categories = get_the_category($post->ID);
    						$output = '';
    						//foreach($categories as $category)
    						$category = $categories[0];
    							$output .= '<a href="'.get_category_link( $category->term_id ).'">' . $category->cat_name . '</a>,';
    						echo trim($output, ',');
    				<div class="weeklyTitle">
    					<a href="<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>"><?php echo get_the_title($post->ID); ?></a>
    				<div class="weeklyExcerpt">
    					<?php echo get_excerpt_by_id($post->ID, true, 30, ''); ?>
    					<a href="<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>" class="readMore">Read More</a>

    I’m using the shortcode and I’m also seeing extra related posts that were not manually selected. “Use auto related posts” is not checked off in the plugin settings.

    I’m also having the same issue with it displaying post that are no longer related. I’m also pulling in the post via my own code a la hellomrdavis.

    Seems like it does not remove them from the database when removing them from Dashboard.

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