• Hi,
    I have spent hours looking for a solution for the following but to no avail.

    As standard, WordPress currently has the Page and Posts post types, whereby a Page can be created, and Posts displayed on that page. I would like to duplicate this structure so that I can still have pages and posts, but I would like to add two more post types that interact in exactly the same way. That is to say I would like the duplicate post type of Pages to be called ‘Stores’ and the duplicate post type of Posts to be called ‘Deals’.

    So I can create a page called Store1, Store2, Store3 etc, and then add deals to each of these stores. For example if I want to offer a 10% off deal at Store2 I can go to my admin area and click Add new deal, and assign it to Store2 so that it is only displayed on the Store2 page.

    I have found several articles on how to add new post types but I can’t seem to find out how to get them to link to each other. Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks a lot

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  • Fundamentally, it is not necessarily true that a PAGE can show POSTS.

    It’s more that a PAGE shows static info (content that probably doesn’t change much), and a POST can be shown on a single (site) page OR grouped with other Posts.

    For example, you can have a page in your site that shows all Posts that belong to a certain category, but this is not a PAGE in the sense that you create it in the Pages section of your WordPress site.

    Anyhoo. That’s a bit of a long story. What you probably need is to add some plugins that create Custom Posts AND Custom Taxonomies.

    With those, you can create a taxonomy (which, in essence, is a grouping method) called STORES, and a custom post type called DEALS.

    Every DEAL (=post)can have one or more STORES (=category) assigned to it. So a Deal called “10%” off could be in Store 1, Store 3, Store 4, etc.

    It will be fairly easy to list all deals in a specific store — you’ll go to (for example) https://mysite.com/store-1 and this will just list all Deals (post) that have category “Store-1”.

    This may sound very very complex, but once you grasp the concept of custom post types and custom taxonomies, I promise it will make sense.

    Read some of these resources — though you can use a plugin like Custom Post Type UI to help you with that, so you don’t have to create custom posts/taxonomies manually.


    I would just sort the posts into categories and link to the categories’ index pages in the main site navigation.

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