• Hello
    is it possible (maybe only with premium settings) to display the map and infos (phone, website) in each post?

    i found the shortcodes but they don’t work:
    [gmw_single_location map=”1″ width=”100%” height=”300px” distance_unit”k” additional_info=”address,phone,fax,email,website” directions=”0″]

    here is the site:

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  • Thread Starter Tim92


    i tested it on other pages with the post id without any result

    Plugin Author Eyal Fitoussi


    Hi Tim,
    The shortcode should do what you need.

    Go to the dashboard -> GEO my WP -> Settings and under the “Features” tab make sure that you have the “Single Location Shortcode” checkbox is checked.

    Thread Starter Tim92


    Ok thanks that was the problem.

    One other question:
    what is the sense of the days an hours?
    can i display them in additional infos?

    Thread Starter Tim92


    now i have another issue
    the zoom level don’t work its always at the maximum zoom

    i used this code
    [gmw_single_location map=”1″ distance_unit”k” zoom_level=”9″ additional_info=”address,phone,fax,email,website” directions=”0″ map_height=”300px” map_width=”100%”]

    Plugin Author Eyal Fitoussi


    1) The days & hours can only be displayed in the search results at the moment. However, you will need to add its function into the search results template file manually. The next version of the plugin will have a checkbox in the form editor. I might also add the ability to display the days & hours in the Single Location shortcode.

    2) Can you post a link to the map?

    Thread Starter Tim92


    the test map is on the bottom:
    btw. is it possible to disable the distance and change the “your location”

    when is the release of the new version?

    Plugin Author Eyal Fitoussi


    1) To disable the distance use distance=”0″ in the shortcode.

    2) There is no way to change the title “Your location” at the moment. I will look into adding the option to do so to the coming version.

    3) When both marker of the user’s current location and the post’s location displaying on the map the zoom be automatically and will auto fit to view both markers. The zoom_level controls the zoom level only when there is only the post’s location marker on the map.

    4) The new version is hopefully to be release within 2 to 3 weeks. But I hope to release a first beta this week. If you’d like to test it you can subscribe on .GEO my WP’s official website at the bottom of the page.
    I will send an email with the beta this week.

    Thread Starter Tim92


    ok thanks for the info
    i subscribed to your newsletter.

    how can i display the map like on your site https://geomywp.com
    do i need this plugin https://geomywp.com/add-ons/global-maps/?

    Plugin Author Eyal Fitoussi


    right now you will need the add-on. But the new version of GEO my WP already has the ability to display a Global Map on page load.

    Thread Starter Tim92


    ok thats good ??

    but i still need the premium settings to exclude a category from the search?

    Plugin Author Eyal Fitoussi


    It is not a must. GEO my WP provides you with so many hooks that allow you to do such things if you know how to use hooks.

    One filter you could probably use is:

    apply_filters( 'gmw_pt_tax_query', $tax_args, $form )

    Which can be found in geo-my-wp/plugins/posts/includes/gmw-pt-search-functions.php.

    Using the filter you can modify the ‘tax_query’ argument of the WP_Query which responsible for the taxonomies query.

    to learn more about the use of the tax_query take a look at this post.

    Thread Starter Tim92


    i only want to exclude a single category in the search, later i have time to have a look at this filter.

    one feature would be nice in the next version:
    the drop down category list in the search form shows the subcategories with an “tab” but on mobile all categories are on the same level.
    it would be nice if subcategories are marked with a “-“

    then its more comfortable on the mobile.

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