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  • Hi altruistas

    That’s a known bug, it should be fixed in the next update of the plugin due this week. A workaround is to open the classic WordPress Media Modal like you do to add medias to a post, select the “Media Library” tab instead of “Upload”, close the modal and open the plugin’s images modal. It should now show the images!

    image doesnt appear on the main site too.

    When i click on drama it sends me to my index page. i am developing this theme from scratch. am i missing a file? what should i include in my template to make it work?

    also, why cant i create a separate template for the plugin and it shows on my post page?

    It could be an issue with your theme, the better way to find out is to switch your blog to one of the default WordPress themes, say Twenty Twelve or Twenty Fourteen: if the problem still appears, it’s not your theme. I use both the above themes on almost all my testing sites so the plugin should fully work with them.

    Links could come from a wrong theme architecture, or a missing permalink structure.

    As for the template, you should be able to handle custom templates by adding a single-movie.php to your theme. I haven’t tested this yet, though, I’ll take a look.

    Note: I just updated a rather important new version, be sure to check if that changed anything.

    okay it works on those themes you mentioned. what could be the reason why it wont show on my page!!! awwwww man!i have a long way to go with this theme. i thought i was already done.

    anyway , is there a way we can show the extra pictures of the movie on the page too? because on the other themes it didnt show , it was just the poster.

    by the way ” Infinite Scroll plugin ” has a conflict with your plugin . just incase someone runs into 404 page when they try to view their movie page , maybe you should let them check that.

    Thanks for the heads up on the Infinite Scroll plugin, I’ll take a look at it!

    Once you’ve imported the images you can use the [movie_images] to show the images in your post, or simply include them manually using the media library tool, they’re just regular WordPress media and should appear along with your other content.

    If you can send me a ZIP of your theme at support[at]wpmovielibrary[dot]com I’ll see if I can find what’s going wrong with movies.

    okay , i will send you a zip in a few…

    but after the your recent update this morning … the plugin isnt working anymore on the frontpage. it gives this error

    Fatal error: Call to private method WPML_Movies::movie_details() from context ” in /home/midnight/public_html/ on line 172

    Okay, looking at your theme you have a lot of bugs, I’ll mail you few tips you may want to apply to avoid some problems in the future ??

    As for the bug, it doesn’t occur on my test install, but I see where it lies: edit public/class-wpml-movies.php and switch WPML_Movies for self at lines 172 and 173; that should do the trick.

    Charlie , i got your email. I started using wordpress a month ago , i went straight into development. i was on joomla… consequently , i am still a novice. i will correct those shorthands right now! thanks a lot for the tips. the if have post problem , i will fix it too.

    i am not an expect in php , so i dont understand what you meant by switch mpml_movies for self .

    $details = WPML_Movies::movie_details();
    $metadata = WPML_Movies::movie_metadata();

    those are the two lines. what do i do?

    $details = WPML_Movies::self();
    $metadata = WPML_Movies::self();

    ?? lol
    i dont know object oriented php.

    one last thing i didnt understand this part too.”
    As for the movies, as I noticed you’re using a lot of custom Queries, here’s a tip to include movies in the results: add “post_type=post,movie” to your query args (“post_type => array( ‘post’, ‘movie’ )” if you’re using arrays, which you’re apparently not anyway). “

    where do i add this?

    My bad, line 172-173 should be change for this:

    $details = self::movie_details();
    $metadata = self::movie_metadata();

    As for the second part, you’re using a lot of WP_Query() instances; default behavior is to use only posts, so you need to add an additional parameter wherever you want want movies to appear along with your posts. For example if you were to display 3 posts somewhere (like you do at line 74 in your index.php) and want to show movies along with regular posts, you would have to change you query from:

    $catquery = new WP_Query( 'posts_per_page=3' );


    $catquery = new WP_Query( 'post_type=post,movie&posts_per_page=3' );

    You may not need this right now, though; but that’s a tip that could become useful soon, so at least you have it ??

    mate ,

    i changed it to self but this was the error it gave afterwards.

    Fatal error: Cannot access self:: when no class scope is active in /home/midnight/public_html/ on line 172

    Huh, weird, I’ll keep looking then!

    Think I have the answer, though it came by luck while looking at another bug: are you by any chance using PHP 5.3.x? If so, that’s the issue, update to PHP 5.4 should fix it. I’m now trying to find a workaround this thing…

    something is funny. Because after i uploaded i saw the movie post in one of my posts on my news page.
    after i activated the plugin , it isn’t there anymore. i deactivated it and it isn’t. it actually appear once after i uploaded the new version you gave me . the post appears on my mobile version though . are the posts assigned to a category or something?

    Anyway , the plugin works now but the poster doesn’t show ?? . thank you for all your time. I REALLY NEED TO MAKE YOUR PLUGIN WORK !!!

    Bro , i think your plugin encounter another problem. its actually giving me another error. when i enable your plugin , it turns all my new posts to Uncategorized , even when i go back and change it it just wont!!! when i deactivate your plugin everything comes back to normal ,,, oh man i soooo need this!

    ?? ??

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