• Hi,

    We’re using the Multipage Plugin on our website. WP Post to PDF works quite well with it. The PDF contains a horizontal line where the Multipage Plugin inserts a page break.
    There’s only one thing missing: We’d like the PDF to contain each sub-page’s title below the horizontal line. The title is stored in $post->post_subpages[‘title’][$page]. I’m willing to implement this myself, but I need a hint where to start.
    Also, the cherry on the cake would be to have a real page break in the PDF instead of the horizontal line.



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  • Plugin Author Lewis Rosenthal


    Hi, TiKu, and apologies for my late reply…

    Manual page breaks may be inserted with the


    shortcode, so that should be an easy one to get out of the way.

    As for the sub-page titles, can you tell me which version of WP Post to PDF Enhanced you are using, please? The code would likely go in the main class near line 318 (for version 1.0.5) or in the header file (wpptopdfenh_header.php) if using the development version (1.1.0).

    Thread Starter TiKu



    Thanks for your response.
    The shortcode [wpptopdfenh_break] doesn’t help much, because I would have our writers to insert it additionally to the [nextpage title="foobar"] shortcode, which is required to break the article itself into multiple pages. You can see an example of such an article here:

    Maybe your plugin can react to the [nextpage] shortcode as well? Could this work?

    I’m using version 1.0.5 of WP Post to PDF Enhanced. The sample for the [nextpage] shortcode given above also shows how sub-page titles are specified.
    For screen display, the sub-page title is displayed as an additional h2 heading:

    I’ll have a look into the code and let you know the code if I find a solution.


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