• Hi,

    Reading this forum I find out that it’s possible to manually assign level to users without canceling their subscription. I just need a bit of code.

    What I actually need is to approve a membership request with initial payment and once approved move the user to another level with a recurring payment.

    I tried the 3 levels approach (initial payment, redundant level for approval and the recurring billing level which the users selects manually) but the first 2 levels can be skipped going straight to sign-up/?level=3 and billing information needs to be entered again which I don’t find very user friendly.

    So, how can I manually assign levels without making it free? Where can I find the code needed?



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  • Hey there,

    > skipped going straight to sign-up/?level=3
    You can hide that level from the Levels page by filtering the pmpro_levels_array, checking if the user has the “approved” level (pmpro_hasMembershipLevel()), and removing that level from the array. This way, new users will only see the initial level, and the final level when approved.

    > and billing information needs to be entered again
    You can add the billing information fields to checkout with this addon, so your users will only have to enter their payment information the next time they check out the recurring subscription level.

    > So, how can I manually assign levels without making it free? Where can I find the code needed?
    You can’t update a subscription like that by using the Edit User page; you can only choose not to expire the existing subscription when you change the level, so this wouldn’t work for your purpose.

    Hope that clears things up!


    Thread Starter catalin.oanca


    Hi Jess,

    Thank you for your answer.
    I really need to manually move members to a recurring billing plan. This isn’t possible even with a pmpro membership?

    Plugin Author Jason Coleman


    > I really need to manually move members to a recurring billing plan.

    The gateways typically limit your ability to change people’s subscriptions after they have checked out. Some (Stripe, Braintree, and Authorize.net maybe) might allow you to setup a subscription on the gateway side. So you could manually edit the “customer” records in stripe or similar accounts in BT and Authorize.net to have the subscription you want. Then you could add orders with the proper “subscription_transaction_id” so PMPro would be synced with the gateway.

    If your members are signed in and checking out for a new level, it should remember their billing address for the checkout page.

    If you want to be able to change a member’s membership level from the admin without cancelling their subscription (but not updating their subscription $ amounts/etc) you can use code like this:

    Thread Starter catalin.oanca


    Thank you very much!

    2 more questions:

    Setting Membership level to None will still cancel any subscription, right?

    Changing the Billing Information on file, won’t actually be took in consideration for recurring payments? Only the billing info set at the signup will be considered by the payment processor?

    > Setting Membership level to None will still cancel any subscription, right?

    > Changing the Billing Information on file, won’t actually be took in consideration for recurring payments? Only the billing info set at the signup will be considered by the payment processor?
    No, updating your billing information will update the details on file at the gateway.

    Does that clear things up?

    In regards to the code that Jason pointed out above…

    I have 2 recurring membership levels that have the same monthly subscription amounts of $8.95/month, but have 2 different trial periods before the recurring billing begins. 1 is 60 days and 1 is 30 days.

    If I manually upgrade or downgrade the user in the WP admin and use the above code to not cancel the previous subscription, will the manual adjustment change the trial period accordingly and still keep the $8.95 recurring charge in place? For instance if someone was in day 45 of the 60 day trial and they got downgraded to the 30 day trial plan, would they start being charged the $8.95? Vice versa, if someone was on day 28 of the 30 day trial and they were manually upgraded to the 60 day trial plan, would the extra trial time be added before the recurring $8.95 was starting to be billed?

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