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  • AW a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hello there,

    Looking good so far, but here are just a few tips to help you take it to the next level:

    • Make sure that you are optimizing your images for the slider
    • your header could use something like an image, or something for that gray space rather than some smallish text.
    • On your blog page, make sure that you are using a consistent image size. This will help you to not have a weird box around the images that are smaller than the recommended size for the theme featured image.
    • On your services page, you seem to be missing content. Also, make sure that you are using the pretty permalinks when you link to content. It will help you out in your SEO a little bit, and is just best practice if you choose to use the pretty permalinks.
    • On the contact page, you might consider having a contact form, with the email addresses underneath it. Also, consider some form of obfuscation for the email addresses, to help with spam.
    • Incorporate the comments page into the contact page.
    • I would put the brochure as a link in the menu to the PDF file, not a page containing it inside the page.
    • Your home page seems to be loading slowly, and might be caused by the slider or the images in it.
    • Let me know if you have any questions.


    Thread Starter aron10197



    Thank you for your input! I greatly appreciate it and have taken some of the suggestions you made into consideration.

    I do have a few questions, though, regarding some of the above suggestions.

    1.When you say optimize the image in the slider, do you mean to change the file extension? like png to jpg? etc…

    2. The images in the blog page are coming from the “recent news” section, i believe. I’ll see if changing the size doesn’t effect both pictures in recent news and the blog page.

    3. For the projects page they want actual pictures of OSV(Offshore vessels)/Ferries they have worked on. What would be the best way to organize these two different categories? Should i link a picture with OSV above the image that links to another page full of pictures or is there a more efficient way to go about it? Help with this would be greatly appreciated!

    4. The comments page is just for me if there is anything wrong with the site and someone has to contact me. The contacts page is strictly just for contacting us at the firm. I’m not sure integrating the two is the most efficient way to go about it. Do you think deleting the comment page is the best way to go?


    Thread Starter aron10197


    Here are some ideas i need suggestions with… any help is appreciated!

    News tab– Decrease box size around picture.

    Projects tab– Get folders to line up directly next to each other and add pictures from thumbdrive.

    Services tab — Possibly make separate pages for each service.

    Header — Spruce up the header w/image etc…

    Mobile — Optimize site for mobile devices.

    AW a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    1.When you say optimize the image in the slider, do you mean to change the file extension? like png to jpg? etc…

    There are many different services that will help you with that. You can save it in a lower resolution (as long as it’s not affecting quality). You can use a service like

    3. For the projects page they want actual pictures of OSV(Offshore vessels)/Ferries they have worked on. What would be the best way to organize these two different categories? Should i link a picture with OSV above the image that links to another page full of pictures or is there a more efficient way to go about it? Help with this would be greatly appreciated!

    You can do something like a portfolio plugin or a gallery system. There are a lot of good portfolio plugins.

    4. The comments page is just for me if there is anything wrong with the site and someone has to contact me. The contacts page is strictly just for contacting us at the firm. I’m not sure integrating the two is the most efficient way to go about it. Do you think deleting the comment page is the best way to go?

    Yes, I would not keep it, as it is confusing.

    Hello to Mark,

    After installing the google analytics plugin and analyzing the data, I am experiencing a 70 per cent bounce rate. The theme is very basic, but the content is original and helpful. I just don’t understand what’s happening. Any constructive criticism will be appreciated.
    Be kind – I am a newbie (I am sure that you can tell that right away.

    From the forum rules: Posting your own topic is smiled upon. Unless you are using the same version of WordPress on the same physical server hosted by the same hosts with the same plugins, theme & configurations as the original poster, do not post in someone else’s thread. Start your own topic.

    Thread Starter aron10197



    1. I decreased the size of the pictures in the news tab, but the boxes didn’t go away. Any idea of how to get rid of them? Maybe decrease the width?

    2. Is there a way to make a sub-menu under the services tab like this picture attached?

    <img src=”; border=”0″ alt=” photo submenu_zpsd0cad4a2.png”/>

    Thanks for all the help you have given so far, Andrew. Greatly appreciate it!

    Thread Starter aron10197



    How can i put an image where my logo and title are.

    i put this in the custom css and it isn’t working.

    <img src=”; alt=”cropped-AutoCAD.Drafting.jpg” width=”970″ height=”433″ class=”alignright size-full wp-image-265″ />

    Any idea what i am doing wrong?

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