If you can put this code into a .php file (e.g. connecttimeout.php) and upload to wp-content/mu-plugins/
that can help us investigate.
function easyazon_http_request_debug() {
if(isset($_GET['easyazon-http-request-debug'])) {
$response = wp_remote_get('https://example.com');
echo '<pre>' . esc_html(print_r($response, true)) . '</pre>';
add_action('init', 'easyazon_http_request_debug');
Then navigate to https://yourblogurl.com/?easyazon-http-request-debug and share that here.
The most likely issue is that your server is blocking remote requests to Amazon’s Product Advertising API (which the plugin needs to function of course as that’s how we get pricing data etc from Amazon). It’s also likely then that your server would also block other requests as well.