I think I JUST figured out the problem. It’s sort of a two parter.
1) It looks like you emptied out the “CHECK ANSWER button text” value in the SlickQuiz Default Options. That value is required. The button is showing up next to the “Next>” button, but has no text on it. That is the button that the user should click to check the answer and go to the next question. So first you’ll need to add a value to that option, something like “Check Answer” will work.
2) The “next” button should be appearing until after the user checks their answer. It looks like your theme has some styles that are overriding SlickQuizzes. If you add the following to the bottom of your theme’s style.css
file, it should fix it:
.button.nextQuestion { display: none; }
The first issue was definitely a bug, so thank you for finding it for me! I will make a todo to make sure that required values are actually required. Let me know if those two changes don’t fix the problem!