• Using version 0.9.4 of the plugin, files that are stored on a CDN (certain Javascript files on cdnjs.cloudflare.com) are minified by W3TC and then served from my own server instead of from the CDN.
    I’ve tried adding the URL to “Never minify the following JS files:” but this doesn’t seem to work. What I’ve tried:
    – Protocol-agnostic URL including version number (//foo.com/script.js?ver=bar)
    – Protocol-agnostic URL without version number (//foo.com/script.js)
    – Full URL including version number (https://foo.com/script.js?ver=bar)
    – Full URL without version number (https://foo.com/script.js)

    Am I doing it wrong or is this a bug?

    Related: for “Never minify the following CSS files:”, a protocol-agnostic URL without version number (Google Fonts) works just fine.


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