• Hi there, hope you are doing well.
    Is is possible to have more than one logic?

    I would like to have a widget show up for all pages under a few different categories, is this possible?
    Can I put something like the following into the widget-logic area ?

    is_single() && in_category(‘category1’)
    is_single() && in_category(‘category2’)
    is_single() && in_category(‘category3’)
    is_single() && in_category(‘category4’)

    Thank you for your time


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  • How about
    is_single() && (in_category(‘category1’) || in_category(‘category2’) || in_category(‘category3’) || in_category(‘category4’))

    || = OR

    So basically, this is saying:
    If single and part either one of the following categories: 1, 2, 3 or 4

    First take care you are using the right tag. The difference between in_category and is_category is important.

    And fortunately both of those take arrays of lists of categories. Check out the codex here


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