or you could either add more comments /*comments*/
to the style sheet explaining what a block of tags is for.
I’d still love to use your template (what I’m calling ‘wireframe’) if you wanted to sell a commercial version. I am really tired of handcoding after all. BUT what I mean by commercial version is something where you include all the necessary comments . (You know exactly what i mean too.) I am not a good web designer but HTML/CSS etc is transparent to me, it’s just the having to search all php, etc. is the irritating factor. I know, I know, i’m complaining about freeware, ;), but believe me I teach computer science and when I teach the courses on a volunteer basis, those are the students who seem to show the most disrespect. ?? Forgive me, you are a good designer, but in my case I’m not ‘doing a blog’ here, I’m building a political commentary site, and if need be I can make a webform to add content. Hey there’s an idea! Maybe that’s all I need to do, build a webform (or you could do it).