• Hello,

    I have a question about a secondary menu in a widget. The thing I want to have is the following: On my site I have a page products. This page is mentioned in my main menu. When somebody clicks on this page, the products page opens and a secondary menu in a widget will appear on the left side. In this menu, a list of products are shown. So

      product 3

    Now, how can I have this secondary menu only be shown when the page products or one of the products is selected? So after clicking on the page products, the menu will appear. But also, after clicking opening the page products, when selecting for example product1 the secondary menu must still be shown.

    Can anyone help me with this?

    Thanks in advance.

    Kind regards,


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  • Thread Starter bersch


    The URL of my page is new.breedveldtrading.com

    Hi, Luc:

    Each of the widgets inside the sidebar will have an ID associated with it. You can see what the ID is by doing a “view source” of any of the site’s pages, or using a web debugging tool like Firebug or Chrome Developer Tools. I see you already placed a menu in the sidebar, and it has an ID of nav_menu-2.

    Also, every page will have an ID associated with its body element. Again, you can see that that page ID is by doing a “view source” or using a web debugging tool. That page ID will appear in the form of a class name. For example, the Producten page has a class called page-id-87.

    So to display a widget only on certain pages, you would first hide the widget by default, then add a rule which displays the widget on certain pages:

    #nav_menu-2 {
       display: none;
    .page-id-87 #nav_menu-2 {
       display: block;

    The first rule hides the sidebar menu by default. The second rule would display the menu on the Producten page. For every page that you want to display, you just add another selector to the last rule. For example, the RVS Producten page has a class of page-id-15, so the last rule would be modified like this:

    .page-id-15 #nav_menu-2,
    .page-id-87 #nav_menu-2 {
       display: block;

    You can see, however, that it would be very tedious to add a selector for every product page, especially if you have a lot of products. What I would do is to create a post for every product, instead of a page. One of the features of a post is that you can assign one or more categories to it. For example, you have already created a category called Producten, and you can create another category called RVS-Producten. Then when you create a post for your products, you would assign one or the other of the categories to it.

    Assigning categories to your posts will have a couple of important advantages. First, the CSS would be greatly simplified if you only create posts for products (both regular products and stainless steel products) and nothing else. That is because every post will have, as part of its body element, a class called single-post, so the second rule would end up looking like:

    .single-post #nav_menu-2 {
       display: block;

    The second advantage would be that it would be very easy to create a page that listed all of the products in a particular category. You’ve probably noticed that in your sidebar, you have a section labeled CATEGORIE?N with the Producten category listed. Clicking on the Producten category would give you a list of all posts that have that catetory assigned to it. The list would show the title of the post (which you would set as the name of the product) and an excerpt of the post contents. And you can copy what you currently have for the contents of your Producten page into the Category description for the producten category so that it displays at the top of the page.

    Thread Starter bersch


    Hi CouchingBruin,

    This does work! Thank you so much.

    I got one new question, but this one is on a different subject. I have created a new thread here:

    Could you help me with this as well?


    Kind regards,


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