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  • Thread Starter contremaitre


    I played around with the dev version (1.5.3), and I have a workaround which almost work :
    add :
    in include/model.php

    All links are fixed except one :
    The “home” link in my flexi page widget menu which always point to the default language instead of current language.
    The “home link” on my header logo works fine, so I don’t know if it’s a bug in polylang or flexi pages Widget plugin.

    Plugin Author Chouby



    By default, Polylang translates the home link for the theme, but not for plugins (I stopped doing this because it conflicted with too much plugins).

    You can add this in a custom plugin:

    add_filter('pll_home_url_white_list', create_function('$arr', "return array_merge(\$arr, array(array('function' => 'flexipages_get_pages')));"));

    Also you should not modify the Polylang files as they will be overwritten at next update. You can simply add


    to your wp-config.php

    This fix didn’t work for me though.. Hope you can help me! I also work with MU Domain Mapping.

    I have 2 domains linked to a blog in a netwerk installation.

    Network url:

    Site/language one: -> primary
    Site/language two:

    The primary domain works, but the second domain always gets redirected to the first domein. I can’t figure out why because I configured Polyland to use the second domain for the second language.
    Am I using the wrong settings?

    I cannot even get polylang to work with mudomain mapping. When I set the front page to a static page, it will result in an infinite redirect loop. Could you kindly tell me how you setup polylang with multisite and mu domain? Thank you so much.

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