• Hi

    Great plugin guys! Found it very useful for a few projects so far.

    Right now I’m looking to customise the flex slider height, so its responsive vertically (it’s already horizontally responsive.)

    I notice that it currently dynamically fixes the height inline (using js?) on these classes (in a wcslider2 example):

    div class=”gallery wc-gallery-bottomspace-default wc-gallery-captions-hide wcslider2 wcflexslider” style=”height: ZZZpx;”

    That in-line height currently changes whenever the browser is resized.

    So I think what I need to do is change that height calculation – can you point me to where in the code it’s done? I’m guessing it’s in:

    But I’m not having much luck finding it (I hate minified js!)

    Is it the right file? and do you know which class is actually being targeted?

    Sorry about the lengthy question!


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