• Hi there

    I am trying to customize the layout, but have not quite succeeded in spite of Firebug, etc to get the style for determining the font color of the primary menu, under the site name. All I have tried has not worked. As you see at bit.ly/TRwZHL, for the background color, the font color is too dark …

    Regards & thanks in advance

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  • .


    Try this code:

    #main-navigation .sf-menu a {
    color: #fff; /* main nav font color */

    You can pick the codes for the colors here: https://www.colorpicker.com/

    Anything else you would like to change?

    Thread Starter xprt007



    Thank you for the rapid response. Yes that style worked. Thank you! ??

    Actually there are a couple of things I still need to change & when I fail, will request for some help.

    1. Currently, I can think of the headings font size. I want the topic/page headings to have a smaller font size, than say the site name, but could not locate the style for this. Currently, this is a bit too big.
    2. I also have buddypress/bbforum installed and with difficulty have changed the bg color/etc of the forum, but for the groups at /groups/, have not yet managed to get the bg color style element. …

    I would appreciate some help. I have another question but will have to get it together.

    Thank you in advance



    1. Just on single posts, right? Not anywhere else?

    #post-entry article.post-single h1.post-title {
    font-size: 28px; /* single-post title font-size */

    2. I’m not sure what you mean. Could you please elaborate on that a bit more? Here’s my guest on what you might have meant for the /group/:

    ol.commentlist li {
    background-color: #333; /* group comment background color */
    Thread Starter xprt007



    For #1 that is just what I needed.
    For #2, if you look at https://bit.ly/1jbRdbe, … that white background is what is not appropriate. I would like to get it darker & just in case any font color has to be adjusted locally – just want to know which styles to deal with.
    As said a few trials before did not help, but I am learning.

    A separate question …

    • This is not a style issue, but may be you could help as it has something to do with the theme. It is connected to using breadcrumbs, in connection with the WordPress SEO plugin & a specific directory plugin.
      This directory plugin currently only shows Home >> subcat2 WITHOUT showing those in between, like Home >> Cat1 >> subcat 1 >> subcat2, example: https://bit.ly/1j6aydr

      like HERE in the authors example https://demo.sabaiapps.com/sabaidirectory/businesses/categories/automotive.

      He says if one follows the SEO plugin instructions, breadcrumbs should work like in his example above.

      How to insert breadcrumbs in your theme

      Usage of this breadcrumbs feature is explained here => https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/breadcrumbs/. For the more code savvy, insert this in your theme:

      <?php if ( function_exists('yoast_breadcrumb') ) {
      yoast_breadcrumb('<p id="breadcrumbs">','</p>');
      } ?>

      I am at a loss regarding where exactly in Mesocolumn to insert it, as the template file they mention is not in the templates folder & I cannot determine which template script & in any case which section of it to place this code so it works.

      Would appreciate some help.

      Thank you for your time!



    #2: Something like this?

    .directory .content, body.buddypress .content {
    background-color: #333;

    As for your breadcrumb, you insert it where you want the breadcrumb to appear. This is depends on your personal preferences.

    I would need to know where you would like your breadcrumb to appear before I could let you know where to insert the code.

    Thread Starter xprt007


    Hello Techievous

    Very grateful for your help!
    The style above is just OK.

    Regarding the breadcrumbs, the position such as in https://bit.ly/1j6aydr is fine, below the primary menu.
    I just want it to be complete & not only show the Home >> ONE category/subcategory, but all subcategories in the chain …
    I assume if that code is placed in the right template & location, that it would work, unless some other issues come in play.

    Once again, many thanks! ??

    Kind regards



    This is all I see on that link. Is your site down?

    Thread Starter xprt007



    Thank you for following this up.
    Yes, last night I installed a new test version of this directory plugin & it seems to be faulty. So this morning, I am replacing the plugin files with an older version as the author deals with the problem.

    After that the page will shortly be in a state referred to before when you look at it.

    Thank you in advance.



    I just want it to be complete & not only show the Home >> ONE category/subcategory, but all subcategories in the chain …

    You mean something like home >> main category >> child-category >> grandchild-category? https://i.imgur.com/GFFfeAp.png

    If that’s the case, you can add the code after the <?php get_header(); ?> line or the <?php do_action( ‘bp_before_content’ ); ?> line in single.php (It’ll appear for posts only).

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