• Hi, can you tell me how to configure the global discount for a specific membership level?. I have 3 types of membership levels each one with a global discount, I’m logged as a customer with free membership, such “membership number one” it have an 50% of global discount, but when i’m seeing a product the price is the base price instead the price with discount, please you have a guide/tutorial to figure this out?. I have something wrong in my configuration between membership and product?

    by the way I have pmpro + pmpro woocommerce.

    Again Thanks.


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  • Hey there,

    I think you’re getting a little confused about the global discounts vs member pricing. If you haven’t already, you should take a look at the PMPro WooCommerce addon page, which explains everything in a bit more details.

    The “global membership discount” is the discount which is applied to every product in the store if a user has that membership level. You might be mistaking it for the membership pricing, where you can set a specific price on a product for each membership.

    Does that clear things up?


    Hello Developers,

    I have the same problem. I have viewed your website and read all documentation on the woo-pmpro connection. When exactly is the “global discount” applied?

    1) The prices on the product and shop pages are not reduced
    2) The prices during checkout are not reduced

    So in summary, if a user level is assigned a “global discount”, when is that discount applied? I ask because neither I, nor any of my customers, ever receive that “global discount”.

    Everything else works. I have successfully tested individual product discounts. My question is specifically about global discounts not working.


    The global discount should be applied when a user has the membership level the global discount is set on. So if there’s a global discount of 50% set on a level’s Edit Membership Level page, users with that level should receive 50% off all products. Is that not happening?

    Double post


    Exactly, thats not working. When are they supposed to receive the discoint?

    Can you please test/fix this issue?

    Are you using the latest version of the plugin (1.2.2)? I’ve tested with a few different values and all seem to work..

    What are the details of the product you’re using and membership level?

    Also, do you have any PMPro or WooCommerce addons or custom custom code installed?

    If you want, we can log in and take a look at your site if you become a PMPro member and post on the member support forums.

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