• Hiya…
    I’m assembling a comparison chart for user-installed blog software. You can find the chart at https://www.asymptomatic.net/blogbreakdown.htm .
    If someone could visit there and verify that my information is correct (or provide corretions), I would be happy to list your blog in the sample sites for WordPress (or other blogware, if that’s what you’re using).

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  • Looks correct to me.

    Nice chart, can’t wait to see it completed. Another blogging software that is out there is bBlog. I tried it out but it really doesn’t compare to what you can do with WordPress.

    Thread Starter ringmaster


    I have updated a few things, and added some new criteria. Do you think I should add anything else? Is there something that WordPress is particularly good at that WP users might want to tout?

    So I assume you are basing off of raw install, and not available extensions/plugins?
    i.e., I have comment blacklisting, referrer/visitor tracking and anti-spam, search-query tracking through the referer system, and newsfeed/rss aggregation, all as >enhancements< to the basic WP install. And category images.
    Also, with unlimited fields, you could have keywords in WP.
    Also, with full text search in WP, you don’t NEED keywords. ??
    And of course, skin switching is being used on many a WP site.

    Have kinds same setup here =) at least it’s hacked somewhat a lot comparing to default WP :p

    well, referrer/visitor stuff is really simple template changes, as is the newsfeed stuff. Yes, the other stuff is more hack-like, usually mods to core code (comment blacklist, cat images).

    Thread Starter ringmaster


    Yes, I’m basing it off of a base install. I should probably mention that plugins are available that would enable many of the features that do not come with the base install.
    I’ve seen something called Wuh Wuh that looked like an interesting souped-up WordPress, with many plugins pre-installed.
    I should add Blosxom and Grey Matter to the list. GM is listed in many places for importing. I don’t think any development work is going on there these days, but I could be wrong. Others have suggested adding pLog and Nucleus.
    I plan on adding (yes, I’m being tricky) a comment to each of the packages noting how responsive the support channel (forum) was on responding to my request. A preview: WordPress and pMachine totally dominate this category. One specific failure was TextPattern, where I got no responses. Interestingly, the MT forum responded a lot, but didn’t do much to answer my questions. (It reminds me a lot of /., actually) All of the other forum requests were answered almost instantaneously with the exact information I needed, some more helpful than others. Of course, this experience is my isolated attempt to get info, but you figure that in a sea of bloggers seeking answers, you will be only one voice of many.
    With the recent MT fallout, it’s nice to see what everyone has to offer.

    You might want to include WP’s features of blogging through eMail & password protected posts in the chart as well. As far as I know, password protected posts is not available in MT & few other blog scripts.
    Also, you might consider adding NucleusCMS to the chart. Its becoming a hot choice too with quite a lot features.

    I just wonder if a category of “where you need to install it” might be useful. A lot of MT types do not grasp immediately that Word Press goes in your directory.
    cgi-bin access is not required.

    come again? We are talking about building a comparison chart of features of different Blog scripts, not an instruction manual of installing WordPress or any other blog.

    Well yes. But where it needs to be installed is a feature in its own right. WP does not require access to the cgi-bin or any input from server admins etc. Many folks here have lamentable tales of woe in installing MT for example, even locally which stem from this very point. It is a big benefit of using Word Press. It goes in your own directory. Still if you do not like my idea, then heck; do not include it.

    Thread Starter ringmaster


    There is a lot of verbage in the MT install about cgi-this and cgi-that. As a Windows server user, I could give a rat’s butt, but for Linux folks on pay-for-blog hosting, the installation directory requirements could be an important thing. On the other hand, do you think this issue might be inferred from the Perl/PHP requirement?
    I’ve got Nucleus and Blosxom in my to-do. pLog was suggested also.

    I think ‘dependencies’ should cover the ‘where it is installed’ thing. That is, other systems that require cgi-bin exts should list them…

    Well there might be a good reason those blogs have not been included.

    Now what can be that? *roll eyes*
    If you don’t know, the ASP.NET Blogs that I posted about are the best around & they are FREE. Open Source you can say since both are available under BSD License. And the Official ASP.NET Blogs at weblogs.asp.net are running .TEXT
    So they are not sub standard good for nothing Blog Scripts. I’d sure like to know about a reason which disqualifies them from being included in the Blog Comparison Chart of Ringmaster.

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