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  • I’m an MT user. Not impressed with the new price structure, not because of the fact you have to pay, but of the way that it was done and the limitations it imposes on the number of weblogs.
    I had used it mostly because of the multiple weblogs option as I have 3 weblogs that I post to. But I won’t miss the irritating rebuilds that it made you do. ??
    I’m going to be using word press if I can iron out the problems that the options part of the menu is giving me….

    You could use the optiondocs I wrote, which are listed at
    There’s v2 for WP 1.2 and optionsdoc for 1.0.2
    Good luck ??

    thanks ??
    it’s actually browser errors coming up. i posted a query well over an hour ago and so far nobody has responded.

    with that sort of attitude, the mt refugees won’t be switching to wp.

    I actually find that attitude quite offensive…
    I’m in the process of switching as I said above. Documentation, different features and forums?? Well I’ll have to deal with it. It’s my choice to change my CMS, nobody is forcing me to.

    To call someone free loading just because they switched to a free product because they did not want to pay for another product is offensive. And the features they are asking for are good features. I’m sure there’s a few wp users who would want those features. I doubt that if the devs said “Who wants multiple blog support?” there would be a massive outcry.

    This is an opportunity for WordPress to really grow. As new people come into the fold, they will bring with them their ideas and modifications, and WP will benefit. Yes, there will be some growing pains on both sides, as “switchers” get used to the WP-way, and current WP users learn to help ease the transition for “switchers”.
    What WillM worries about in terms of MT “demands”, I see as an opportunity for the core WP developers to get some solid code contributions.

    Yeah, if some of the people who have done plugins for MT start coding hacks for WordPress that would be good. What I am worried about is that we will get a bunch of people wanting something for nothing – taking the free software, demanding free support, and giving nothing back. ??

    you should be working for 6A.

    @tacojohn: agreed. but as the user base grows we may well see a few people who can’t be bothered to read the docs and search the forums, and i personally would have no hesitation about calling them freeloaders.
    that said, a big welcome to all those other, nice, ex-MTers here! not that i’ve been here long or anything, but if i see a question simple enough for my inexperienced self i will attaempt to answer it.

    Almost every online community I’ve been a member of suffers from the problem of people not searching. Even people who should know to search don’t. For a host of reasons – valid and invalid – people post first looking to get a quick answer. That’s just the way it is. Admonishing people to search won’t solve that problem.
    And as for “freeloaders”, the fact that WordPress is licensed under the GPL means that people are free to do whatever they want with it. No one is obligated to give anything back. Them’s the breaks.
    A quick google search shows about 316,000 results for “powered by WordPress”. Yet there are only 2,000 members here on this forum. Are all the people asking for help here — those who chose WordPress as their first blogging tool — freeloaders?
    This is a great opportunity for the developers to get code; a great opportunity to find out about new directions for WordPress that current users might not have considered; a great opportunity for documentation to improve as a result of direct feedback from new users; and a great opportunity to demonstrate the power and flexibility of Free Software.

    283,000 if you put “powered by wordpress” in quotes.

    “powered by wordpress” reflects number of pages not number of installs.
    ….so divide by “x” where x=???

    << we will get a bunch of people wanting something for nothing – taking the free software, demanding free support, and giving nothing back. ?? >>
    how do we know there aren’t any like that already? and well…that’s life! and support fora are like that too

    anonymous .. is in progress
    WillM – This is not ‘ours’ and we can’t keep ‘them’ out, whoever us and them are. Please think twice before saying something that could be detrimental to wordpress. You might just be taking away the only reward open source developers get, popularity and the satisfaction of having developed/developing a popular tool.
    Cliche – growth and change are inevitable.
    misskathryn – Is your problem solved now? If not, please describe the error as it happens, in specific terms, and give us the version number you are using…and someone will be able to help you.

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