• Hi. I’ve installed WP e-commerce but I have a problem with the way subcategories work.

    I have a category called Magazines and several subcategories – 17th Century, 18th Century and so on (it’s a historical magazine)

    Initially, when I viewed the category list on the front products page I also saw all the subcategories, which I don’t want. Managed to get rid of that OK. But when I click on the Magazine category I want to see *just* the subcategory list, not the products as well – I only want to see them when I select the appropriate subcategory.

    Is this possible? It doesn’t appear to be something I can achieve using configuration settings, so it may need a hack. Any advise, please?

    If it requires paid support I’m happy to pay, but I need to know if this can be done before I put y money down ??

    Many thanks for any help –

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