Hello edvinaspauza,
John702 here. was just visiting the forum and saw your request for felp and thought I might be of some assistance.
The first thing is to back up your website and are you working with a child theme? the most important thing is to back up your website.
You will probably have to go into your footer.php file itself. Some where near the bottom of that file you will find the php statement that is powering that “powered by” statement. for safety reasons just comment it out for now. that is put <!– statement –> this is a comment out element. You may have to look very close at it for the beginning and the ending, so be very careful.
You will find the words “Powered By WordPress and the version number”, look for the opening part of the element and put <!– and then find the ending part of the element and put –> that will comment that statement out and expand it until you get it the way you want.
Thank You and if you need more help you can contact me through WordPress forum.