OK, you are making this way too complicated. You do not have to do anything with any .PHP files, just make some additions to your custom CSS. That is, it looks like your theme may have a custom CSS option. If so, then you can use that, otherwise you can use JetPack’s custom CSS option. Or, if you can’t find JetPack’s custom CSS option, you can use a CSS plugin like Custom CSS Manager.
Let’s take your Contact Page as an example. If you follow my instructions above and do a “view source” on that page, you will find a body tag that looks like this:
<body class="page page-id-289 page-template-default custom-header header-full-width content-sidebar">
You can see that one of the classes is page-id-289. The 289 is the post/page ID for this particular page. You can also see the post/page ID in the address for that page, where it says page_id=289.
For the date, there are three separate elements that you need to hide: the jar, the month & date, and the year. Plus, you need to move the page title and the comments link back over to the left once you hide the date or else there will be an empty space where the date used to be.
So all you need to do is add this to your custom CSS:
.page-id-289 .jar,
.page-id-289 .month,
.page-id-289 .year {
display: none;
.page-id-289 .entry-title,
.page-id-289 .post-info {
margin-left: 0;
.page-id-289 .post-info {
margin-top: 8px;
Note that the class specifier .page-id-289 is at the beginning of each CSS selector. That targets the CSS just for the contact page. The first rule hides all of the date related elements (the jar, the month/date, and the year). The second rule moves the page title and the comments link (inside the post-info) over to the left. The last rule inserts some spacing between the comments link and the page title, which you will need since the date elements used to provide that spacing.
If you want to do the same for another page, repeat the above: Look for the page-id-### and copy the rules.