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  • Once you have added and saved the score for each game you then need to go to:

    Score Matches
    Select the recent match(es)
    Click score selected

    That should then allocate player points.

    Good luck.

    We know it but points does not allocate…

    With adding a score, somehow user prediction time changes. At least I have this problem. And because it’s after the game starts, 0 points.
    Do you have the same problem?

    Thread Starter Damian65


    Thank you for the reply.
    I have already selected the score but still no change.

    My only other solution is to pick up your laptop / computer and throw it against the wall. Can’t promise it will resolve the issue but might make you feel better ??

    WOW !!!

    Thanks Euan, that worked perfectly !!!

    I also suggest not visiting your site for a while until this has all blown over and try not to engage with users who will be very upset that it’s all gone pearshaped.

    This has all gone pearshaped for me too. I have nearly 4000 predictions that are not scoring correctly. If you read back through these comments you will see that I am trying to help people here. I am as frustrated as everyone else. Laugh or cry.

    Could it be the update to 1.9 has caused a problem. I have both versions 1.8 fine, but 1.9 not adding points to users’ scores.

    If so, is there a way to edit the relevant code?


    I secured a small sponsorship from a major betting company for the competition and now have to try think of something off the hoof lol

    4000 ?!!! Is that 4000 members choosing results or 4000 predictions. I am a bit lucky I suppose with only 40 member entries but still people are signing up even today adding to the number.

    Could edit each score manually but I have a life too lol and not sure how long to update 40 scores x 3 matches per day :/

    Even entering manually there may be a risk that something else goes wrong :/

    Bit of a mess.

    GRELL – is there a way to perhaps downgrade to 1.8 for us then but still keep the users & current predictions ? That could be a goer ?

    If we can do that, that would be great. I’m not code savvy enough to know, but where tare the users’ details and scores stored? If the file name is the same, it may be possible to install 1.8 and then overwrite the files with the saved 1.9 scores and details?

    1.8 is working brilliantly

    But not 1.9

    I’m not as savvy either but maybe willing to try. Where can I find a copy of 1.8 ?

    Sounds like easy fix for developer if 1.8 works. Hope to see update soon.
    If somebody downgrades and it works, then please let us know and how you did it.

    I don’t know if downgrading will work or not (I am not savvy either) but you should be able to find older versions of the plugin here

    Downgrade to 1.8 didn’t work for me. Changing match will change prediction time and to get points, you have to manually change prediction time. Not an option.
    Bonus points not working.

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