I’ve broken the “commenting” function in my theme
This is only happening in my chosen theme. Kubrick works fine. So it’s not techically a WordPress issue.
If you go to any post at https://www.mindbodyspiritjournal.com, and click on “comments” in the metadata, you will be taken to the “single post” page. There will be no comment form on that page. And, if the post HAS existing comments, those will not be displayed.
Any idea what code I have corrupted, and where?
following code is on single.php’ and is lifted directly from the codex and WAS working for months:<p class="postmetadata">
Posted in <?php the_category(', ') ?>
<?php edit_post_link('Edit','','<strong>|</strong>'); ?>
<?php comments_popup_link('No Comments ?', '1 Comment ?', '% Comments ?'); ?></p>Interestingly, on the ‘index’ page, the ‘comments’ shows up in the meta data. It does not on the ‘single post’ pages.
I am running 2.05 right now.
Also, interestingly, trackbacks still show up. Actual comments do not.
I have massively customized my theme, so doing a reinstall is not a simple or pain-free solution. It may be the only choice. But I’m hoping someone can point me to what might be happening — why clicking on the ‘comments’ link doesn’t actually call a comments form or show existing comments.
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