@prasunsen :
I don’t explain the problem, it’s my fault…
For exemple in the page : wp-admin/admin.php?page=wphostel_rooms&action=add
There is a unnecessary margin bottom under Visual/Text tabs, under the add media button, and under each line of the editor.
I’m using Chrome latest version, do you get the same issue ?
@marvelycious : about the datepicker, using Hostel plugin I make some override on the billing form because the jquery ui css is outdated (and make some css bugs) compare to the version that WP is using now. I also build a little method that load the jquery-ui-datepicker-i18-* where * is the current local. I will post it in a different thread.
In your case I think that you have to make some custom css to feet your need using this plugin.
@jeremy12: off topic