The code you reference above is for opening up a TopBar that has a closed button.
For your request, the plugin would need some modifications:
1. Update Global Options page to allow user to select rotating TopBar transition method (or to allow you to enter your own.)
2. Figure out a way to push the page down for the first TopBar (otherwise, as you note, the Top of your page is overlaid.)
3. Modify all the various javascript functions to use the custom transition method selected by the user
4. Also need to add code to calculate the largest height of all of TopBars. Otherwise, if TopBars have different heights, the webpage will joggle up and down as they fade in/out. Then for any TopBar that is shorter than the tallest, need to add padding to make it the same height as the tallest TopBar.
5. Test, Test, Test to make sure it works and does not break any existing functionality.
I test another option on one of my sites and this works. You can try this:
1. Modify your theme’s CSS to have a blank space at the Top of the page that is equivalent to your tallest TopBar. The site I tested this had a Navigation Menu at the very top. I only had to add a top margin padding to .nav-primary
. This then pushed down the entire page when it was loaded and made room for my TopBars.
2. Set “Force TopBar to be Fixed” to be NO for ALL TopBars.
3. Add “position:fixed; top: 40; etc etc etc” to the CSS Option C for All TopBars.
I can put the plugin modification option on the feature backlog for a future release.