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  • Anonymous User 13868920


    The previous version had a different kind of management for templates. V2.0 uses a mobile web app and it’s based on Sencha Touch, a different kind of framework that takes care of rendering pages and panels directly in the browser (and all that is done to mimic a native app interface). It’s not a regular PHP based theme, so I’m afraid that using your own template is not possible.

    FYI, the previous versions are still available for download here: Even if you don’t upgrade to 2.0, these will work in the same way they did so far.

    Will version 1.x continue to be supported for bug fixes and the like?

    Anonymous User 13868920



    Unfortunately not. It is quite old and the team that created v1.x is no longer actively involved in development or support.

    Alright, thanks for keeping up with the questions!

    I had the same issue–and was particularly upset, because upgrading caused me to lose my prior theme with no warning that it was going to happen or that it had happened. (I found out about it only when I happened to look for my site on my phone myself, and discovered that it had changed to a theme that didn’t work at all with the structure of my site.) I ended up switching to Any Mobile Theme Switcher Pro in order to continue to be able to use my own theme for mobile devices. Any Mobile Theme Switcher Pro has a 7-day free trial, plus you can get a permanent license for free by liking them on Facebook and reviewing them on WordPress. And it does what WordPress Mobile Pack used to do–allow you to use it just as a switcher, and supply your own mobile theme.

    Plugin Contributor cborodescu


    @carolwp The description of the 2.0 version of WordPress Mobile Pack it’s pretty clear and it has all the details that you need to make an informed decision: to keep the previous version, to update or to switch to another plugin. All three options are valid.

    With 2.0 we’re re-purposing WordPress Mobile Pack towards bloggers, publishers and other content creators. We’re focusing on a rich HTML5-driven interface, thus we’re going beyond just a mobile theme. We’re building web apps that run on modern browsers.

    If this isn’t what you’re looking for, then WordPress Mobile Pack 2.0 is simply not for you.

    Yes, the plugin is not perfect, but we’re working hard on improving every aspect of it based on users’ feedback.

    The new version made my site unusable on mobile devices. It would just show a random blog post with no site navigation. I gave up and reverted to the previous version.

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