• Hi,

    I recently installed WordPress, and now I’d like to add the ability to log-in using OpenID. I was suggested WPOpenID, which seem to do what I’m looking for : https://verselogic.net/projects/wordpress/wordpress-openid-plugin/. The problem is, the plugin doesn’t work and I have no clue about what to do to make it work proprely. URL of the test blog : https://www.livresanspage.net/wp-test/

    1- I first downloaded the lastest stable on SourceForge (https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=167532&package_id=190501&release_id=471609, rev. 86), then I tried the SVN trunk version (rev. 90?). The same problem occurs on both lastest stable and SVN versions.
    2- I uploaded the ‘wpopenid’ folder in my /wp-content/plugins directory at my webhost.
    3- I went to my admin->Plugins page and activated the plugin. There is no error message or anyting, the plugin should have been activated and should work properly, right?

    Now, I log-out from my administrator account and try to go to my blog’s login page: what’s returned is a blank page. No error message or anything, just a blank page. (Very helpful, isn’t it? :-\ ) This is what appeared in Options -> OpenID tab when the plugin is activated and before I log-out from my administrator account:

    Status information: All Systems Nominal

    [INFO] file:error_log
    Logging errors via PHP’s error_log faculty to: /home/www/alexandrep/www/wp-test/wp-content/uploads/php.log
    [OK] loading file: openid-registration.php
    [OK] loading file: Services/Yadis/PlainHTTPFetcher.php
    [OK] loading file: Services/Yadis/Yadis.php
    [OK] loading file: Auth/OpenID.php
    [OK] loading file: Auth/OpenID/Discover.php
    [OK] loading file: Auth/OpenID/DatabaseConnection.php
    [OK] loading file: Auth/OpenID/MySQLStore.php
    [OK] loading file: wpdb-pear-wrapper.php
    [OK] loading file: Auth/OpenID/Consumer.php
    [FAIL] unknown library variable: php_errormsg
    This library variable is unknown, left unset.
    [INFO] database: WordPress’ table prefix
    [OK] object: OpenID Store
    [OK] object: OpenID Consumer
    [INFO] database tables
    Table wp_openid_associations exists.
    Table wp_openid_nonces exists.
    Table wp_openid_settings exists.
    Table wp_openid_identities exists.
    [INFO] Include Path
    [INFO] WordPress version
    [INFO] MySQL version
    [INFO] PHP version
    [OK] Curl version
    [OK] library: GMP compiled into in PHP
    [OK] library: BCMath compiled into in PHP
    [INFO] Loaded long integer library
    [FAIL] Cryptographic Randomness Source
    /dev/urandom unavailable, using an insecure random number generator. open_basedir is “/home/www/tmp:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/local/bin:/home/www/alexandrep”
    [INFO] Plugin version
    Running version 89. Latest stable release is 86. This revision is newer than the latest stable.
    [INFO] Plugin Database Version
    Plugin database is currently at revision 89.
    [OK] Overall Plugin Status

    Any idea on what to do to make the plugin work?

    Moreover should I say that there are folders missing from the SVN version which are present in the stable release. ‘Services’ and ‘Auth’ are included in rev. 86 but does not exists in SVN trunk. I guess thoses folders contain the JanRain OpenID classes. I uploaded theses two folders from rev. 86 alongside with the rest from SVN trunk to my plugins directory. May it be the cause of the problem?

    Thanks for your answers !

    #Edit: Here are the last lines of the php.log file :
    [01-Jan-2007 23:11:15] ——————-wpopenid——————-
    [01-Jan-2007 23:11:15] WPOpenID Status: file:error_log [info]: Logging errors via PHP’s error_log faculty to: /home/www/alexandrep/www/wp-test/wp-content/uploads/php.log
    [01-Jan-2007 23:11:15] WPOpenID Status: userinterface hooks: Enabled (finished including and instantiating, passing control back to wordpress)
    [01-Jan-2007 23:11:15] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /home/www/alexandrep/www/wp-test/wp-includes/cache.php on line 29

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