• My website backups have become larger at an alarming rate. I decided to check what made it so large. I found out my upload folder was the issue.

    Now apperently my template was generating about 20 different thumbs for each image uploaded. I have successfully disabled +- 10 that were never used.

    Still for each image uploaded new thumbs are generated. However I will only use the featured images on different parts of my website.

    Images added to my posts will never ever be needed in a different format. I upload them at 800x Y and that is it.

    So two questions

    1) Can I safely remove all versions of files not used as feature, or are they registered in the database?
    2) Can I exclude certain images from begin generated?

    ps I have both Simple Image Sizes and Regenerate Thumbnails installed.

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  • Since thumbs are typically small, have you checked if the original file sizes being uploaded are first optimized? Do this: For an image upload, how big is the original file size? How much do the file sizes of the thumbs add up to? Is it really the thumbs or the size of the original uploaded file that is taking up space? That said, you can set the thumb sizes in media options (you may have additional options for this in theme or plugins). Sound to me like WP is generating the three sizes on upload and your theme or plugins the rest. Just set the WP media options and remove those plugins. All of this depends on how you use the thumbs.

    Yes you can remove them with no problem if you aren’t using them.

    You can exclude them if you have FTP access and can change the code of a certain file in your theme.

    Thread Starter Magistar


    Thanks for your interest!

    Let’s say I have used an image of 81,2 KB in my post (440×327). Now the additional formats generated add up to 217 KB. Total size used is 299KB instead of 81,2KB. This is 369%.

    Another image. This one was a screenshot about tesselation so it had to be bigger. It is 363KB for 1280×720. I scale it down on my website to 850 so it stays sharp. Now the Thumbnail generated are 719 KB. So again only 363 KB should be used but 1,05MB is used! This is 289%.

    To explain myself why this is an issue:

    All my images can be split into two categories.

    Category 1: Featured image set at the “Featured image” option for each post.
    Category 2: Images uploaded into a post that will never be featured.

    Each guide I usually write has 1 featured image and 4-6 additional images. I do not need 10 different sizes for my additional images. I do need them for the featured images (so I cannot disable more).

    So I am worried about two things now
    1) If I delete an image using FTP will this cause errors? After all when you insert an image through the media library all types are shown in a dropdown box. Will it crash because the file was removed?
    2) Is there some special way to drag them into WordPress so they DO NOT get processed? It does seem to know “uploaded to this post”.

    ps I have found 5 images on one post (my latest) that were not Thumbed but I have not been able to reproduce this effect. Each time I upload and check with ftp there are versions generated.

    Thread Starter Magistar


    By now I tried manual deletion. So I had to sort through 10 versions of 197 files= 2000 images. Took me hours(!).

    Seemed to work until I visited the media library. Apparently the wordpress back end uses the 60×60 version. So I had to re-upload that version.

    Would be nice if I could just prevent the non-featured images from being generated.

    I would:

    A: Unless absolutely necessary, not use plugins that generate additional thumbs.
    B: Admin Dashboard>Settings>Media>What are the settings for:

    Thumbnail Size: __ x __ ?
    Medium Size: __ x __ ?
    Large Size: __ x __ ?

    WordPress auto-generates these sizes on image upload. You can make it create ‘small’ for each size (thus reducing overall space needed to host many of them). This would only affect new uploads, but if you pick an image to be included in a post that is very small, it likely will be stretched and look of poor quality.

    I suggest trying a plugin such as NextGen Gallery. It is one of the most popular plugins on .org.


    They are now apart of Photocrati


    Note: You can use a CDN (Content Delivery Network) to hold and deliver images of high quality to your site visitors. Some of the more popular Caching Plugins such as W3 Total Cache work with some CDN’s. Your web host may have specific recommendations also. That said, if storage of a few thousands images is an issue with your host, find a better one.


    You can use something like this :
    that generate the image sizes when the user call it.

    Or you can use this plugin :
    The plugin continues to generate the images but in a cache folder so if you want to clear it up you can. But when the user call a deleted image, the plugin detects it and generate it on the fly and save it.

    Thread Starter Magistar


    Gallery wont help me here I am afraid. Root cause is the theme. My theme is telling WordPress to generate the following images:

    $et_theme_image_sizes = array(
    	'578x420' => 'et-featured-first',
    	'578x208' => 'et-featured-second',
    	'578x280' => 'et-featured-category',
    	'287x208' => 'et-featured-third',
    	'160x160' => 'et-recent-post-image',
    	'319x160' => 'et-popular-post-image',
    	'639x160' => 'et-popular-post-big-image',
    	'240x240' => 'et-category-image',
    	'321x214' => 'et-recent-first-image',
    	'60x60'   => 'et-tabs-image-small',
    $et_page_templates_image_sizes = array(
    	'184x184' 	=> 'et-blog-page-thumb',
    	'207x136' 	=> 'et-gallery-page-thumb',
    	'260x170' 	=> 'et-portfolio-medium-page-thumb',
    	'260x315' 	=> 'et-portfolio-medium-portrait-page-thumb',
    	'140x94' 	=> 'et-portfolio-small-page-thumb',
    	'140x170' 	=> 'et-portfolio-small-portrait-page-thumb',
    	'430x283' 	=> 'et-portfolio-large-page-thumb',
    	'430x860' 	=> 'et-portfolio-large-portrait-page-thumb',

    Basically images are called into the template by name, so the-picture-578×420.jpg would be called in a feature box.

    The theme was loading full size images of 1680×1050 and displaying 20% through css. So I added one myself in functions.php:
    add_image_size( 'featured-sdk', 1280, 400, array( 'center', 'top' ) ); // Hard crop center top

    I guess this results in two questions
    1) Can WP-Thumb deal with this?
    The array seems to select the first image version that exists. Wont that be problematic?

    2) Can I go about this the other way?
    Meaning I just completely disable the .php array for image generation. Then use script X to loadup the exact function for just the picture I need. Is it hard to call a function from the admin panel somewhere?

    ps I already completely removed the second array because I never use the additional page layouts such as Portofolio. I also went in WordPress and set the “medium” size to 0x0.

    1) Can WP-Thumb deal with this?
    The array seems to select the first image version that exists. Wont that be problematic?

    Yes, WP_Thumb will work too here.

    2) Can I go about this the other way?
    Meaning I just completely disable the .php array for image generation. Then use script X to loadup the exact function for just the picture I need. Is it hard to call a function from the admin panel somewhere?

    If you want you can use something like this :
    the_post_thumbnail(array( "width" =>1280, "height" => 400, "crop_from_position" => 'center,top' ))

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