• Resolved chrisk860


    I am new to wordpress but have been building static sites for 5 years. I downloaded WordPress and then downloaded and activated Celestial Lite theme. Then I activated the celestial lite child them and proceeded to create the exact home Page I wanted.

    Now I am trying to create the many other pages I need for this site such as an about page, but when I go to edit the header image for example, I end up changing the header image on the Home Page. I have made sure that I am using the correct page template for the About Page but I just seem to be going in circles. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    The site is being created in an empty domain that is currently not being used as I don’t want to shut down the main site while I create the new one. The URL is https://www.dearrachelbook.com

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  • Hi Chris….I’m going to assume you are using the WP Header feature under the Appearance menu in the admin? If so, this is a global image. If you are wanting to put a different image on inner pages, the best way is to upload the images, grab the File URL for it, and use basic HTML in a text widget which can be published to the Page Banner widget position. To select the pages this is to be shown, use a plugin like Display Widgets which lets you accomplish a different image header on any page. Also use a plugin called Remove Widget Title which lets you keep the title on the widget in the admin, but it won’t show on the front-end of the site…best for when using it to load banners and images etc.

    Thread Starter chrisk860


    As per the instructions on your website on how to get the four widgets on the home page like the demo of the theme has, I downloaded the Advanced text plugin. Is this the same plugin you are speaking of when you say “text widget”?

    Just the default WP text widget…however, if you want to use the advanced text widget, you can use that one too.

    Thread Starter chrisk860


    I downloaded both plugins you suggested. I’m sorry, but I’m not understanding how I actually apply the plugin when I put the About page into “edit mode”. First go around with WordPress…sorry.

    The plugins have been downloaded and activated. Would I get to the about page then click edit page and go to appearance then widgets. I am not seeing where I can drag one of the new widgets into another widget like with the 4 images on the home page.

    First, no need to say sorry, especially if you are brand new to WordPress, as it does take a bit of time to get used to it.

    First thing…what plugins did you install and activate specifically?

    Second…we seem to be going all over the place here so lets begin at the start here. The topic title here is “Need help with adding pages to Celestial Lite”. You actually do not add pages to the theme, you add pages to WordPress. But it sounds like you are wanting to do something different now with your “About” page. You mentioned something about the 4 images on the home page, are you wanting to do this for the About page too?

    Thread Starter chrisk860


    The only plugins I have installed are the advanced text widget, Remove Widget Titles and Display Widgets…these last two at your suggestion based on our conversation above. The advanced text widget was suggested in the Celestial Lite Styled Themes tutorial on your website. I am looking to add additional pages to the site
    About Page
    Contact Page
    Email Marketing
    Social Media Marketing
    Client Gallery
    Graphic Design
    I think everything would be covered in these 7 additional pages. That is the overall concept.

    I liked the look of the Home Page concept with the four widgets and actually have the home page exactly the way I’d like it, but if I could make those four widgets linkable to the various pages that would be ideal. The layout -design is completed. Now I want to begin the About Page, so I want to find out how I apply the various components of the celestial lite theme to the pages I add. No I do not want the widgets on the about page that I have on the home page.

    Much more clarification, thank you. Linking the home page image widgets that you have (the 4 of them) can be done by linking the image with the url to the page you want it linked to. Or, below the content, make a text link to do the same thing, or go further with the text link and make it a button by adding a class to the tag like:

    <a class="btn" href="yourlink">Button</a>

    Go to this demo site for button samples:

    Button Samples

    Thread Starter chrisk860


    Let’s start with the about page as I still don’t seem to be getting anywhere. I click on the about page and then I click on edit page. Now, how do I remove that showcase banner that I am using on the home page? I tried clicking on appearance then widgets, but can’t seem to drag any widgets from the right area to the “not being used” widget area on the left. The page template I am looking for is a left sidebar.

    Is there a mechanism of some type that applies the theme and it’s various templates to the pages I want to create in WordPress??

    Go to Appearance >> Customize >> Header Image >> uncheck the box “WP Header Every Page”

    Then you can publish other banners sliders, etc to inner pages while using the WP Header feature for the front page.

    You mentioned about not being able to drag widgets ….there are two settings for this widget admin page (which is confusing in my opinion), but click on the upper right corner “Screen Options” and if the text link at the top says “Disable Accessibility…” then click on it.

    Thread Starter chrisk860


    at the top of the page when I click on screen options there is no text link. The buttons at the top are:
    Revisions, Custom Fields, Discussion, Comments, Slug, Author, Page Attributes Featured Image

    Only revisions, page attributes and featured image were checked. You said there were two settings to do this, but I only see one listed??

    I meant on the widgets page.

    Thread Starter chrisk860


    Wow this is frustrating. I thought I followed every one of your instructions to the T. I unchecked the wp header on every page in the headers tab and still when I go to about page and change the header it also changes the home page header. Do you know or have the URL’s of other sites that use this theme as a framework for their site as I would like to see what others have done? I seems like a great looking functional theme if I can ever get it to work correctly. What am I missing here??

    I go to the about page, click edit page, change the header in the headers tab and then the home page is changed a;so

    Let me ask you this… how did you put that header image in? If you disabled the “WP Header on every page”, and you are using just the WP Header under Appearance, your header should only show on the Front page. Now, to add a different image to the top of inner pages, such as your About page, do not use the WP Header for this, use a widget to load an image in the Page Banner widget position and make sure you are using a plugin that lets you publish this widget to select pages…a plugin like the Display Widgets. I just tried this on my local test site and it works.

    Thread Starter chrisk860


    I only unchecked the wp header on every page after you brought it my attention a few posts back. I guess I am unclear as to what mechanism triggers a plugin to work on a given page. Let me explain. On your site’s celestial lite’s tutorial page it instructed me to download an “advanced text widget”. After I did that then I opened the “front page top 1” widget and then dragged the “advanced text widget over inside the front page top 1, worked the code a little inside once I copied the url to the image and life was grand.

    That being said…now that I’ve downloaded (and activated) the display widgets as you mentioned, how do I get that to cause a change on my about us page, or any page I decide to use it on as I don’t see it listed on my widgets tab?

    Now I’m getting confused. Let’s tackle this a different way because I think terminology and how things are being described is the problem.

    We are going to focus on your About page because it seems as though you are wanting to do something with this but you said it’s affecting your Front page header image which is being changed. So what is it you want to do with your about page? Are you wanting a different image to display there in the banner header area than what it is on your front page?

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