• Ever since upgrading to 3.9.1 all kinds of glitches have been coming in, making the editing of my website almost impossible.

    The glitches change too, at first I kept getting blank pages at the back end whenever I made update, now that has cleared on it’s own and replaced itself with removing media from the pages, not recognizing the photos that I insert (even if they were already there), and not allowing plugins to function correctly.

    I don’t know how to fix this, I already increased memory size to 256mb but that wasn’t the problem anyway.

    I hope someone can help me fix this, this is my business site, is there no helpline to call or at least a live chat feature? It’s WordPress after all.

    Somebody help me ??

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  • I had the same problem, for me the problem was the template had some issues with the pagebuilder instead of the wordpress editor.
    After an update from the theme (downloaded the newer version and just copy pasted the new files over the old ones) the problems where gone

    What theme do you use? And do you use a custom pagebuilder of the theme?

    Thread Starter myattitude


    I’ve tried various themes like OptimizePress, ElegantBiz, Divi & Thesis. I’ve even tried TwentyEleven through TwentyFourteen, the problems are the same. I’ve tried updating them all too but no change.

    I don’t think use a custom page builder, I just go to the pages tab and edit from those.

    Thread Starter myattitude


    Can anyone help please? ??

    Thread Starter myattitude


    Why does no-one at WordPress want to help me? Am I going to be left with an unusable website for my business?? ??

    Can you provide a URL to your site, in particular one that fails to show added media files?

    Thread Starter myattitude



    The problem occurs in the backend. And when I re-upload a banner and click “insert into post”, I get nothing.

    And plugins barely function at the most basic level.

    That URL produced this:

    Forbidden – You are not permitted to browse this site.

    Have you tried manually updating your WordPress core files to see if there as an error when you upgraded to 3.9.1?

    Thread Starter myattitude


    That’s because I blocked it while I was working on it. The site is up again now.

    I haven’t tried a manual update of the core files, how would I do that?

    Thanks for your help by the way.

    Thread Starter myattitude


    Bump, someone please help…

    Doing a manual update means overwriting core files with new copies. You can read about how to do it here:


    Thread Starter myattitude


    I’ve just finished doing that and when I came back and reactivated the plugins, I’m still getting the same problems again… Now what?

    basic trouble-shooting for these issues is always the same.

    De-active all (yes, all) plugins, and switch to a default theme. As you’ve already updated the WordPress files manually you’ll be able to skip that step.

    Then, re-enable the plugins one-by-one, and test the site thoughourly after each one. That will show you which one, or ones, are causing the problem.

    Thread Starter myattitude


    I went to TwentyFourteen theme, and I’ve just tried the plugins one by one and the plugin glitches crop up even when I’m testing on a single activated plugin… What’s going on?

    when I’m testing on a single activated plugin

    That’s what I mean. If you’re getting that when you’re using a plugin, there’s a very good chance that plugin is causing it. That’s why I said that you need to disable all of them (don’t worry, no one ever reads that part properly).

    If you’re getting the same errors with that, check your sites error logs to see whats there. If there’s nothing then you’ll need to talk to your hosting company to get them to check their error logs becaues they might have access to more then you do.

    Thread Starter myattitude


    Yeah, I mean each single plugin is having the errors they were having since 3.9.1, even if they’re the only plugins activated and the rest deactivated.

    I’ve just got off the phone to my hosting company and they saw nothing in their error logs… What now?

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