I did several tests on your site. WPPA+ took 0.075 sec server time. This value does not change noticably.
The total load time: first time ( discarding browser cache ): 12 to 16 seconds, a reload ( using browser cached js files and css files ) most of time approx 2.5 sec, sometimes up to 15 sec
You have very many plugins active:
[WPPA+ dbg msg: akismet/akismet.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: author-info-widget/wp-plugin-widget-author-info.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: category-icons/category_icons.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: category-posts/cat-posts.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: contact-form-7/wp-contact-form-7.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: dynamic-content-gallery-plugin/dynamic-gallery-plugin.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: feed-nu/feed-nu.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: feedburner_feedsmith_plugin_2.3/FeedBurner_FeedSmith_Plugin.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: google-analyticator/google-analyticator.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: google-news-sitemap/apgnsm.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: google/plusone.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: juiz-social-post-sharer/juiz-social-post-sharer.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: limit-login-attempts/limit-login-attempts.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: post-author/post_author.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: ratings-shorttags/ratings-shorttags.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: recent-posts-slider/recent-posts-slider.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: sem-dofollow/sem-dofollow.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: seo-image/seo-friendly-images.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: simply-instagram/simply-instagram.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: social/social.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: special-recent-posts/special-recent-posts.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: tantan-flickr/flickr.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: tubepress/tubepress.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: twitter-tools/twitter-tools.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: wordpress-social-ring/wp-social-ring.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: wp-paginate/wp-paginate.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: wp-photo-album-plus/wppa.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: wptouch-pro/wptouch-pro.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: yet-another-related-posts-plugin/yarpp.php]
The load times of the individual files tend to very a lot ( 40 to 4500 msec ), but i did not notice that wppa+ gives a remarkable contribution to the total load time.
Maybe you should have a critical look if all your plugins are really needed.
Try tick the box in Photo Albums -> Settings admin page Table IV-A8: Defer javascript. This may improve loading the page a bit.