• Add Custom Header Images requires a page titled The Headers with images and WordPress v3.4 or greater.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function deactivate_plugins() in /nfs/c02/h06/mnt/25752/domains/globalclubcruises.com/html/wp-content/plugins/add-custom-header-images/add-custom-header-images.php on line 61

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  • Use your ftp client or the file manager in your hosts control panel to rename or remove the add-custom-header-images directory.

    Thread Starter Global Club Cruises


    Hello ClaytonJames,

    But I don’t have access to my account its as if I got locket out of my account/site. I don’t know what to do…

    You need to contact the host to get back into your account. There is nothing we can do. Contact the host. They’ll more than likely help you out.

    PLease note that one thing is to log into your site through the admin area of Wpordpress,
    yet what Clayton is advising is you need to log into the actual folder directory of your site through FTP.

    there in your WP site directory you will find folders identified as

    you will need to go to wp-content / plugins
    find the plugin you just installed and rename the folder to
    what ever the name is -HOLD
    as an example if the plugin is called askimet then

    this will turn the plugin off, then try your login again
    through the admin for WP

    Thread Starter Global Club Cruises


    Thank you Amado.Miami I will try that!

    Oh, so then you DO have access to your “account”.

    Thread Starter Global Club Cruises


    Yes, the host (just a friend) followed Amado.Miami directions and it finally worked doing that!!

    Thank you all!!!

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