before last point to create a website
Hi friends,
? use as blog and ? think that ? must buy a host and create a situation, ? have blog free and ? m publishind the adv from visitors and now ? d like to make that, they can publish their own adv, become member and publish, ? d like to add this skill for at my new website ??
and so ? think this way, ? must buy a host, install wp, ? must buy a theme which includes membership and advs post types.
? dont know maybe ? can add the google map and then ? dont think to buy a theme because ? saw ? can make membership for a free theme and just ? will need to add google map, if this s possible too, then there wont be problem.
is that possible.
? am Turkish and a maths graduated and english s not native lang and arabic too. ? d like to creta a few website, ? want to work for my own website ??
? d like to see your advice, is that possible and the ways, ? am reading the docs todays for this…
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