• A method for refreshing EG Attachments cache for files that are not attached to a page/post is respectfully requested (if I am understanding the following).

    We are continually modifying file attachments, either replacing or deleting/reuploading. We frequently use the parameters for tags and id=”-1″.

    Update: Behavior is the same if “Links to Attachments” setting is either “Direct” or “File”.


    [attachments title="New Business Documents" titletag="H3" template=simple-icon tags="new-business" id="-1"]


    <li class="attachments-small"><a title="%TITLE%" href="%URL%" %NOFOLLOW%>%ICON-16x16% %TITLE%</a> (%FILESIZE%, Updated: %DATE%)</li>

    A. Scenario with Enable Media Replace

    1. File (tagged “new-business”) is not attached to any page/post.
    2. File is reuploaded via Enable Media Replace plugin.
    3. File updated date does not change on page display. Updated file title does not change on page refresh.
    4. However, when I change shortcode to the following, adding the include paramenter, display on refreshed page is updated:
    5. [attachments title="New Business Documents" titletag="H3" template=simple-icon tags="new-business" include="1,2,3" id="-1"]

    B. Simpler Scenario, File Deleted Then Re-uploaded

    1. Tagged file is deleted from Media Library.
    2. File is uploaded; file is re-tagged “new-business”.
    3. File is still displayed, but link does not work (WP page is simply re-loaded). File icon is “blank.”
    4. However, when I update shortcode to include “include=”1,2,3”, attachments display is updated, and file is successfully link again.

    Thanks in advance.


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