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  • I take it all you want to do is have your post content show up in the center there, and possibly things like the date and title and that nonsense?
    If this is what you are looking for I could write up a tut for you. Just let me know.

    Okay sure.
    I am working on the tut right now, I will post here when I have something up for you to look at.

    Thread Starter pezastic


    Sounds great. Thanks a bunch!

    Cool tutorial Jesuit, now for a wiki link ??

    Thread Starter pezastic


    I thought I followed the tutorial, with my tables based page, but I obviously did something wrong.
    Can someone take a look at that and help me out?

    I emailed you through your site, but I will also post the answer here.
    You need to save the page with a .php extension, not .htm.
    That should fix it.

    I have updated the tutorial to include a reminder at the end that the page that contains all the WP functions would need to be saved with a .php extension.

    Could you add an s to your file extension, so that it is journal.phps and post it somewhere so I can look at the code?
    That would really help.

    Thread Starter pezastic


    Okay, I uploaded it here.

    Thread Starter pezastic


    What did I do wrong? I d/led it as journal.php and u/led it to my site here. As you can see, when accessed, we’re viewing the code, not the design.

    Thread Starter pezastic


    That is making progress…
    I guess.

    Yep, you just need to do some rearranging and styling.
    Also you don’t have the view count plugin installed so you woul need to remove this:

    <?php show_post_count($post->ID, $before="Read Count (", $after=")"); ?>

    Once you do those things you should be good.

    Note :
    >>> The reason you are seeing code, is that somehow when you saved the file all the < and the >’s were made into html entities.
    This problem can be avoided by not using the “File-> Save As ” (or other such) option in browsers. Instead, copy all the text in the php source file that you want to save, and paste that in a new text file, and save it as the file you want saved.
    Thought this would help someone avoid the same error in the future.

    Thread Starter pezastic


    Thank you for all of your help. Rather than remove that code, I think I’ll just install the viewcount plugin. I’m very grateful to have made it this far. I couldn’t have done it without your help. What a great community! Now, I need to figure out the layout style, etc. I think I can handle that on my own.
    I think.

    No problem, thank you for being so patient and willing to get your hands dirty.
    I am not sure that the view-count plugin is up anywhere. It is a hack by another board member that I reformulated into a plugin. I will make sure that it is in my hacks directory so you can grab it.
    And please follow the above advice, and copy the code from teh browser window and paste it in a new blank document.
    Good to have you blogging with WP!

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