• 1) How do I change the font color of the month. For instance, underneath the “Schedule and appointment” says “May 2014”, how can I change the color of “may 2014” also, how can I change the font.

    2)How do I remove the footer underneath the calender that says, Appointment Calendar Powered By: AppointZilla.

    3) How can I go about changing the image of the buttons ? How can I change the color of the text inside the button?


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  • Plugin Contributor FARAZFRANK



    1) Font color of the month

    File Path: appointment-calendar\menu-pages\fullcalendar-assets-new\css

    Locate file fullcalendar.css and find string ‘font-family’ and apply your font family there.

    2) Remove Branding

    File Path: appointment-calendar\appointment-calendar-shotcode.php

    Find string in appointment-calendar-shotcode.php file and remove it.

    3) Button Image + Text Color

    Button Image

    File: appointment-calendar-shotcode.php

    Find Below Code:

    <!---Schedule New New Appointment Button--->
    <div id="bkbtndiv" align="center" style="padding:5px;">
        <button name="addappointment" class="apcal_btn apcal_btn-primary" type="submit" id="addappointment">
            <i class="icon-calendar icon-white"></i>
                <?php if($AllCalendarSettings['booking_button_text']) {
                    echo $AllCalendarSettings['booking_button_text'];
                } else {
                    echo _e("Schedule New Appointment", "appointzilla");
                } ?>

    Below code icon-calendar showing Calendar icon on booking button.

    <i class="icon-calendar icon-white"></i>

    Go to this link for more icons.

    Button Text/Font Color
    File: bootstrap-apcal.css

    File Path: appointment-calendar\menu-pages\bootstrap-assets\css

    Find Class Property:
    apcal_btn-primary in file and apply your desired color in booking button font color.

    I hope you find all your answers and thanks for using our plugin. Leave a review if your are happy with it.


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