Got it to work! Basically, follow Sridhar’s tutorial (linked in samjolley’s reply), but then:
- go to fontello.com and grab a yelp icon (search – there’s only one)
- then click ‘Customize Codes’, and give it a new number (I did E888) – you’ll see why in a minute.*
- download the webfont
- unzip it, and rename the font files ‘fontello2’ – that way, it’ll be sure to use the new font for the yelp icon
- upload it to your server, add the css code (with the ‘fontello2’ name, of course), and add the functions.php code as well.
Two quick notes:
1. At the bottom of the css that fontello gives you, be sure the glyph info with the custom code you gave it has been added. Mine looks like:
.icon-yelp:before { content: '\e888'; }
2. When you add the yelp information to the $glyphs section of Sridhar’s functions.php code, it’ll look like this:
'yelp' => '','
*The reason we changed the glyph number that is because otherwise, the glyph information for the yelp icon is the same as the facebook glyph, which will give you two facebook icons.
Now, you should be able to refresh your widgets and see the spot for the Yelp url, and once added, it should show up on your site just fine.
(If anyone has trouble with this, let me know, and I’ll put a post together with pics and stuff.)