• I know this will sound as though i’m profoundly thick, but i’ve been toying with the various HomePage1-HomePage10 options, and then with Mesacolumn-Featured, Mesacolumn-Tabbed, and can’t work out the logic of how the leftmost column is populated. Nor what “Total” means in the various Mesacolumn widgets.

    If the tab area starts with 2 MesaColumn-Featured posts with medium size images, followed by 4 Mesacolumn-Featured posts with thumbnail size images, and then Mesacolumn-Tabbed for the remainder, how do the posts flow through?

    I can’t find any document that will clue me in. Any ideas or pointers?

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  • Thread Starter IanWaring


    I guess I’m not the only one foxed by this ??

    Theme Author Richie KS


    hi ianwaring
    the theme is easy to use, all you need to setup or saved is in wp-admin->appeareance->theme options. it is very user friendly.

    Thread Starter IanWaring


    Hi Richie,

    All installed, using it, but I can’t work out how to use the HomePage1 through HomePage10 options. Are they designed to be boxes on a static front page within the left hand area, or only to be used in the widget area on the right?

    Separately, the sample page layout (which looks gorgeous btw) has two articles with medium images at the top, and four articles underneath with thumbnail size pictures. I’m trying to work out if that is a static front page, or a posts page? And whichever it is, which widget layout was used to produce it. Any ideas?

    It is a beautiful theme…

    Ian W.

    Theme Author Richie KS


    that will be the ‘featured category homepage’, you need to choose which category to featured in homepage.

    for the image/thumbnail to show, you need at least an image inside post content or attach the image in ‘featured image’ when write post.

    no need to setup frontpage or postpage setting in wp-admin->settting->reading.

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