• I already have a site up and running. https://www.taochiflow.com. But I would like to create a new one without closing down the current one. They will use the same domain and hosting. Aside from the domain and hosting, everything will be changed. I want it down once I’m finished with the new one. Is it possible? How?

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  • Casey Driscoll


    Hi rentacondoph!

    From what I understand, you want to redo your site. You want to leave the current site up until you are finished working on the new one, and then you want to take the current one down and put the new one it’s place.

    If this is correct, it is very possible and happens all the time! You will need to run two sites at once though and there are a few ways you can do it.

    Create a local site
    Using a piece of software like, XAMPP, MAMP or Vagrant (for advanced users), you can create a local webserver! This will let you create a website that will only appear on your computer, no one else will have access to it. When it is running, instead of going to https://www.taochiflow.com, you would go to https://localhost (or something similar) instead. Your current site taochiflow.com would be completely left alone while you develop the new site on your local machine. Here is a whole forum dedicated to running WP on localhost.


    Use a subdomain
    Most hosts allow you to create a subdomain like new.taochiflow.com for a completely different website. It would be completely separate, and mostly hidden from the public by obscurity. You would develop your new website on this second instance, and taochiflow.com would be completely left alone. Who is your current hosting provider?


    Migrate your site
    Once you site is finished and you want to replace the current one, it will be time to migrate your site. That basically involves moving the database and site files to the current domain spot. I would start by reading the link above, when the time is ready. There are also a lot of plugins dedicated to the process, it is a very common one.

    I would start by choosing to run on your local machine or choosing to run on a subdomain. Personally I would choose local machine, but it depends on the person. Then search “run wp on local machine” or “run wp on subdomain” and you’ll find a lot of good instructions. And of course you can ask more questions here.

    Does this make sense? Let me know if I can clarify anything.


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