@subhansanjaya – he is a BPS Pro customer. He thought originally that BPS Pro was causing your plugin not to work. I have an open door policy and will look at the entire issue whether or not it is caused by BPS Pro because I believe that good customer support means you put yourself in the other persons shoes and be sympathetic/compassionate to their needs.
I sent him an email with a link to this forum support topic because I wanted him to see that I made an effort to resolve this and was not blowing him off. I did not expect him to trash your plugin. He was and still is very upset. He lost many days and many customers so I have done everything I can to assist him. We have a sql dump file which has the lost users in a temp table. He is currently manually entering those user accounts and contacting his customers.
FYI – this is the correct MySQL syntax to create temporary tables. You should probably at least correct that.