Unlock Away mode from database edit
More than requesting help, this post is intended to help admin users with iThemes Security installed and have “Away mode” active.
Have you ever needed to make urgent changes to your site, but your Away mode, enabled, doesn’t allow you to access your back end?
Actually, on version 4.1.5, you can manually overide this configuration (worked on a “Daily (Type of restriction)”):
Step 1. Access your database manager
Step 2. Go to your “options” table
Step 3. Find row “itsec_away_mode”. Edit.
Step 4. You might find something like:a:4:{s:4:"type";i:1;s:7:"enabled";b:0;s:5:"start";i:1398470400;s:3:"end";i:1398578400;}
Change parameter “enabled” to “disabled”. Leave the rest. Try to log in now.
Hope this helps some one in a hurry trying to access backend with Away mode active.
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