• Although get_the_excerpt() and the_excerpt() are supposed to generate an excerpt if none exists, if the content of a post is encapsulated in shortcodes (and no excerpt exists) then apparently no excerpt is being generated.

    So, for example, when I created a (very) simple post using Bootstrap shortcodes to test this:

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

    No excerpt was returned by either get_the_excerpt() or the_excerpt().

    I tried this with various combinations of Twitter Bootstrap grid shortcodes and got the same result. Text outside the shortcodes was returned in the excerpt.

    I did confirm that get_the_excerpt() calls wp_trim_excerpt(), which successfully calls get_the_content(”). However, it then attempts to strip the shortcodes using strip_shortcodes($text) and this returns an empty string, rather than the content encapsulated by the shortcodes.

    So — just clarifying — is this the way strip_shortcodes() was designed? –to strip all text from between all shortcodes? Or am I missing something…


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