• I’ve checked all the advise and troubleshooting answers I can find on this subject and have tried all of them, the JavaScript browser test, deactivating the plugins and using a default theme (TwentyFourteen, to be exact) and I’m still getting:

    “ReferenceError: AtDCore is not defined”

    any time I try to use the Visual Editor. Trying to add links just doesn’t work. I click the button and nothing happens.

    Anyone got any ideas?

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  • I’m experiencing the same issue.

    I don’t know if my comment fits this category, but I cannot add links either. Why do they tell us to upgrade when everything falls apart?

    If I change to 2014 as they suggest, then my blog looks nothing like it did before. Very narrow on the page, can’t add links, you name it. I am using a child theme of 2012 that worked fine until I updated.

    So where do I go from here. I am not a designer and it took me forever to get it to look the way it does now.

    I’m having the same problems, I’ve tried the solutions listed, and I do not have any of the known problem-causing plugins. I have limited design skills and I simply do not know how to get my site functional again.

    Well I did change to the 2014 theme and then back to my child theme and that seemed to solve the problem. I was afraid I would lose everything if I switched themes, but apparently it does not work like that. So try changing to 2014 and then back to your current them. If that does not work try deactivating all plug ins and installing them one by one if it seems to correct the problem.

    I changed to the 2014 theme, and the visual editor was still blank. I also disabled all plugins, and even when they were all disabled, the visual editor was blank. I have contacted my theme developer and they have assured me that there is no issue with there theme. I really do not know what to do, but I have tried the solutions that I have seen posted.

    Have you tried a manual re-install of WordPress?

    1) First make a backup of your files and database.
    2) Copy your uploads folder (in wp-content) to your root directory – this is just temporary and we’ll move it back in just a bit.
    3) Delete all the wordpress files (except wp-config.php and your just copied uploads folder) off your server – yes, themes and plugins.
    4) Download the latest version of WordPress.
    5) Unzip it.
    6) Upload this new version up to your server.
    7) Move your copied uploads folder back into the wp-content folder
    8) You should now be able to login to your WordPress site.
    9) Carefully install and enable your custom theme. Test and confirm everything works. If not, contact the theme developer for support.
    10) Carefully install and enable plugins, one at a time. Test your site after enabling a plugin. Does everything work? If not, note which plugin you last installed and enabled and contact the plugin developer for support.

    At the end of this, you should have a working WordPress site.

    If you’re still experiencing issues after all this, let us know and please provide details about your server setup so we can try and recreate the issue.

    My theme developer helped me diagnose the problem. It was caused by the plugin Free Stock Photos Foter. Good luck to all who are experiencing this frustrating issue!

    I have solved the issue by updating and reinstalling some of the plugins. I would advice all of you using WPML to upgrade to the beta bundle which provides support for WordPress 3.9

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