/robots.txt goes 500 when plugin activated
I have a fairly odd setup – varnish serving from 2 nginx servers load balanced, using unison to sync wp contents (uploads, etc.)
It works well, and played nice with the old plugin. But on the new pluging as soon as I activate it, I get 500 erros on robots.txt on the seconds server (which causes it to be ‘failed’ by varnish). I’m just gonna deactivate for now, but here’s the details for debugging:
1.) Nginx servers rule:
location = /robots.txt {
try_files $uri /index.php;
2.) if robots.txt is a TEXT file in wp root, everything is fine
3.) if robots.txt redirects to index.php – I get a 500 error.
4.) I can toggle the 500 error on and off just by removing the text file
(takes about 20 seconds for nginx to notice)this only happens when iTheme security is enabled. If I deactivate the pluging, I can watch the access.log go from 500’s to 200s ??
Given it only fails on 1 server, I’m guessing Ithemes doesn’t like my machines having different IPs or hostnames or something.
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