Thumbnail next to the title
I use no excerpt, but the feature image thumbnail is located under the title (and post details), is there a way to show it next to the title (align to the left as it is now)?
thanks for great plugin by the way.
@pfw80 – You could try some custom CSS to move the elements around, or worst case you may need to actually modify the plugin’s loop structure to change the layout (not something I would recommend but I don’t expect to add any “open” options to do this).
I might look at a refactoring of the plugin down the road which may allow for “templates” of sorts but that would be some time off.
I was trying but I can’t find 100% solution with CSS, I’m amateur of course.
Well, I hope you will find time at some point, to create an option of showing only title with the thumbnail, when there’s no excerpt – I think it’s quite common need. Especially if you allow to show cats and tags (that’s a grat option!) – the content is wide enough, just this image…;)
@pfw80 – So you are basically looking for an option setup that just shows the post’s title and the post’s featured image only … that will require some refactoring of the display logic but it may fit into the plugin’s ideals.
I’ll make a note for later reference, thanks for the idea.
exactly, right now I use such customization (+a bit of CSS) of another plugin (unfortunatly not supported any more), you may take a look
but yours plugin adds also cats and tags which is ideal.
One more hint – not everybody run their site in englisch, you should add an option to replace “in” (cats) and “as” (tags) with anything else that user regards
P.@pfw80 – Thanks for the example, that is much along the lines I was expecting but now I know for certain what you are looking for.
It took a moment to sort out the second idea, currently those words are properly written within i18n functions but you are actually looking to change the word itself.
I’ll probably introduce that functionality as a filter hook as that will allow the end-user (they may need a bit of research) to overwrite the entire function call. My thinking is if they want to change those words they may also want to change other parameters in that function call as well.
Thanks for another great idea!
@pfw80 – Have a look at the latest “alpha” version on GitHub: … it has a new option for Featured Image and Post Title only.
There was a hook for where you could change the category phrase, so following that I added a hook so you could change the tag phrase in a similar fashion.
wow, I see you don’t waste time;)
It’s very good, just I can’t add tags and categories now, which is quite important (and this is your advantage over many other plugins)
I made this simple picture to show you, what the goal would be
(adding cats and tags should be optional of course, title always on top, in each case)also, there’s some problem about image size customisation – I think it doesn’t react properly. I can’t enlarge it just a bit, it stays the same or changes to much bigger size.
Wouldn’t be more clear if you just create drop down menu with something like “image with title” and “image with excerpt” and then just items of; width and hight? Because items “content” and “excerpt” are quite confusing (for me).
Sorry for being such pain;), but I see you want to do it for real, so lets do it 100%
@pfw80 – It reads more like you are just looking for a “No Post Content” option rather than the hack I put in for now … a no post content option would make much more sense as I see it and should also allow you to accomplish the layout you are showing (you did not show the tags and categories in your first example).
PS: After looking at this again, especially with your second example being what you were really looking for, this output can be easily accomplished with the plugin as is (see version 2.6) with a shortcode along these lines:
[bnsfc show_tags=true show_cats=true no_excerpt=true]
The actual layout may require some custom CSS but the new option is not necessary to show the Featured Image with the Post Title, Tags and Categories only … the new option may not actually be needed at all. C.
@pfw80 – This has been a nice way to spend a Saturday morning, thanks!
I’ve reworked the 2.7-alpha version to combine a few of these ideas, and I believe I have found the best balance between new options and further leveraging existing options.
The latest 2.7-alpha version has been committed to GitHub so feel free to grab a copy of that and over-write your existing (test) site’s version.
Then have a look at what this shortcode will do for you:
[bnsfc show_tags=true show_cats=true no_excerpt=true featured_image_first=true]
PS: You may still need some custom CSS, but hopefully it will be minimal. C.
I’ ve been writing my responce and after publishing I saw your next post, so it doesn’t metter now:), I’m gonna check the newest version now, thanks!
P.S. actually, for me it’s saturday evening;)
all right, it works very nice
you can see two lists here
– first created with shortcodes
– second created with widget (I guess it needs correction)
I added some CSS (font-size, font-family and border)the only problem is thumbnail size, I don’t know how to target it and change width and hight. I tried with .bnsfc-featured-image-first a img, but it enlarges thumbnail it self (and makes it blurry) instead of allowing for bigger size.
@pfw80 – I haven’t fully tested the alpha code to see how the thumbnail size would work although you should just be able to add an
parameter to the shortcode (or set it in the widget) to adjust the size to something that suits your needs better.As it is, we are starting to stray a bit far from the original topic post so I will be considering that part of this conversation “resolved” … you are still more than welcome to continue the discussion of these new features/options as I suspect they will make it out of the alpha stage and be found in the next release.
all right, thank you and all the best (and if you do the same for BNS Featured Tag plugin would be more the awesome;)
P.@pfw80 – Yes, BNS Featured Tag is due for some refactoring, and the plugins have always more or less mirrored each other in functionality … most of these features and options will likely be added as well.
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